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Leo Triplet, M97, M13 and M101 with QSI532WS


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Hi there,

I was absent for a while so sorry:o.

I let you here my first ever LRGB images taken this week-end at my AP session place.

Tak FS102NSV @ f/8 + QSI532WS-M1 + LRGB Baader filters.

Stacked with Nebulosity...soon to be replaced.


paulo@ portugal








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Thanks again. You are allways so kind with my images.

It is my first approach to the LRGB world. Lots of things to learn which is the best part (well sort of ;)).

I will try some narrowband this week - unless those clouds appear again.



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Before opening the thread, I said to the wife "These will be good".

Paulo, I want to marry your kit and have its babies. Those images are outstanding. The Tak has performed an awesome feat on the M13, it is one of the best I have seen, great colour, and that M101 is quite spectacular. You can clearly see the very VERY faint outer regions, I haven't seen those in any of the images from the UK yet, and the dust lanes are so contrasty and crisp.

It's good to see you posting again too, always a pleasure. Thanks for those. Are you ever in the UK? It'd be great to meet up at one of the star parties.



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I have no words for such kindness ;). Really, I just post the images because they are my first ever LRGB and I would like to share it with you. But I'm happy that you like it. I think there is so much to learn in this hobbie. Learn to take frames, colour, narrowband, astrometry....It's why I think I will stay here for a while.

Thanks again. I will post more "stuff" as soon I will capture it. I think I will try some narrowband images with this new camera (as I said before I only make a dark sky AP session once a month at the countryside. I live in Oporto so no colour here, just narrowband).

Unfortunately I have no plans to go to the UK this year. I will go to Denmark to a meeting this July. I will contact you TJ when I go sometime in the future. Maybe there some astromical activity at that time and we will meet.



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