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Jupiter & Mars 12-08-2022

U Cyg

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Some of the best seeing I have ever had for Jupiter, marred a bit by (I think) high thin cloud that affected the histogram, and gave a few fuzzy frames. Anyway, I am really pleased with the outcome.  Minimal processing in Registax 6.

Jupiter 12-08-2022-0332ut


After Jupiter I decided to take my first look of the season at Mars. The seeing was terrible, Mars was bouncing around all over the chip and looked like a fuzzy ball most of the time with clear seconds every now and then. 

Very disappointing after Jupiter. I made one capture and was quite surprised at what Registax managed to make of it.

Mars 12-08-2022-0435ut. Over-processed, I know!



8SE ota, Basic EQ5 mount, ADC, 2x barlow, ASI224


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Both quality captures. You pulled as much detail out on Mars as what I did. when my seeing was quite reasonable. And that was your 8 " reflector if I am not mistaken ?  The Jupiter capture speaks for itself. Lots of fine detail. And very nice processing Angie. Good to see you posting some quality planetary images. 

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Thank you Neil.

The scope is the Nexstar 8SE SCT, on the EQ5 mount.  I knew when I typed in  the equipment list that it didn't look right, but couldn't think why!

I also forgot to mention that the Mars image was resized to 120% in Registax.




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They are both very impressive images Angie. As Laurence said the Jupiter shot as a certain depth to it and Mars well the only way I could describe trying to capture it was like looking at a bouncing atom under a microscope. Very well done indeed.

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4 hours ago, U Cyg said:

Thank you Neil.

The scope is the Nexstar 8SE SCT, on the EQ5 mount.  I knew when I typed in  the equipment list that it didn't look right, but couldn't think why!

I also forgot to mention that the Mars image was resized to 120% in Registax.




Apologies my memory isn't what it used to be. For a 8" scope the detail is right to the limit of its performance under UK skies. You cant really ask for more. 

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Many thanks for the comments: Martyn, Neil, Chris & Dragon_Astro.


My answer to your question is 'with great difficulty these days'!
Actually the way I do it now is using the out of focus donut.  I first centre Jupiter in the finder scope, and confirm that it is centred in a 25mm eyepiece. I then add a 2x barlow and centre the donut again. This way when I put the camera in  place Jupiter is pretty well focused already.
Obviously it fails sometimes, usually when I can't get on my feet fast enough to get the camera in the focuser. LOL

I don't know how this method came about because I always used to focus on Jupiter in the eyepiece/barlow to get the donut on screen.  Anyway it works for me at the moment so I am sticking with it!


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