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I could really use an article for dummies on eaa.

As it was starting to get dark last night, I thought I would have a play with my new set up.

I could only see Vega in the night sky. I looked on the synscan app and saw there was an option for one star alignment. The only problem is Vega wasn't on there and I couldnt find a search option, is there one in the alignment phase?

I waited a little longer until Arcturus was visible and used that to do the one star alignment. I had centred it in my eyepiece first and then did the alignment which took me from Arcturus up to the zenith. I used the manual option to get it back in the eyepiece and then finished the alignment. Am I meant to start with the telescope pointing north towards polaris (even if it isn't visible) before starting any alignment?

I put the camera into the focuser and found it was all out of focus. I managed to get it into focus and then decided to slew to m51. It went in that direction and when the screen settled it showed some more out of focus stars. 

Whilst I was trying to sort out the focusing, I noticed the stars drifting off. I didn't know how to track with this mount and thought once you slew to a target it would automatically track it, I did at one point press point and track but it was still drifting. How do I successfully track a target?

I previously downloaded Allsky plate solving to use with sharpcap, thinking I could do without the finderscope and eyepieces. When I tried running this I couldnt see any stars on the screen, I adjusted exposure and gain and moved the telescope to try and pick up stars. Needless to say it would fail.

It was my first time out and the one thing i've learned so far is that I dont actually know what im doing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated for what to do when I go back outside again.

Many thanks.


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What mount is it? If you’re not getting correct stars in the alignment procedure than your location info and/or time date info is probably incorrect, did you double check the info you entered into the handset? 

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Not a 'disaster' !!  (I always have a feeling of trepidation reading a headline like this, expecting smashed up optics)

Just a few teething problems with new gear.

But you'll soon get into the swing of things, and some nice views await.

Have you looked on YouTube for some setup advice......??

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If it is an altaz mount then start with the OTA level but pointing North.

In 1 star alignment you can search place your finger on the magnifying glass that's the search box. Start writing the star name

when it's daylight go to settings and connect settings and choose emulator mode, then connect and the app can now be pretend used to get familiar with it. Remember to take it out of emulator mode when finished.

I use 1 star alignment but on several stars of my choice.


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If you think about it, there is an infinite number of mount positions that could allow you to point to Arcturus. That information alone isn't sufficient for the software to determine how you're set up, so the north/level alignment is important for a "one star" alignment - in effect, it's getting you to use the 0° latitude, 0° longitude point as a second star. It's not so critical for the two- or three-star alignments, because the software has more information to go on.

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7 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

What mount is it? If you’re not getting correct stars in the alignment procedure than your location info and/or time date info is probably incorrect, did you double check the info you entered into the handset? 

Hi Craig, the mount is a SkyWatcher az gti.

The stars aren't visible on the screen other than the very bright stars. It may be I need to play more with the gain and exposures more?  I'm using the laptop to control the mount so I think it goes on the laptop time and date? I did put the location co ordinates in, which I got from Google maps.

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6 hours ago, Space Hopper said:

Not a 'disaster' !!  (I always have a feeling of trepidation reading a headline like this, expecting smashed up optics)

Just a few teething problems with new gear.

But you'll soon get into the swing of things, and some nice views await.

Have you looked on YouTube for some setup advice......??

Hi Space Hopper,

Sorry for sounding over dramatic. At the time of writing this I felt a little disheartened. Reading yours and everyone else's posts, I have realised I was putting to much pressure on myself to get it right on my first night and in an hour 😆 

I have looked on YouTube, however most the videos are converted to eq mounts rather than being standard.

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6 hours ago, happy-kat said:

If it is an altaz mount then start with the OTA level but pointing North.

In 1 star alignment you can search place your finger on the magnifying glass that's the search box. Start writing the star name

when it's daylight go to settings and connect settings and choose emulator mode, then connect and the app can now be pretend used to get familiar with it. Remember to take it out of emulator mode when finished.

I use 1 star alignment but on several stars of my choice.


Hi happy-kat,

It is an alt az, SkyWatcher az gti (not converted to eq).

I never spotted the magnifying glass last night, I will check it out when I get home.

I never knew you could use it as an emulator, I will also check this out too. It's meant to rain later anyway!

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6 hours ago, Zermelo said:

If you think about it, there is an infinite number of mount positions that could allow you to point to Arcturus. That information alone isn't sufficient for the software to determine how you're set up, so the north/level alignment is important for a "one star" alignment - in effect, it's getting you to use the 0° latitude, 0° longitude point as a second star. It's not so critical for the two- or three-star alignments, because the software has more information to go on.

Hi Zermelo,

Looking at it now, that makes perfect sense. Thanks.

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6 hours ago, Steve Ward said:

Cut out the "apps" and plate-solving try walking before running .... 😉

Sit down and properly read the instruction manual from cover to cover and then try again following all the steps listed in the aforementioned.

Hi Steve,

I think I definitely bit of more than I can chew last night, I will definitely go one step at a time.

The manual supplied with the mount doesn't actually talk about the use of the mount, it only really shows how to set it up and turn it on.

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There;'s an active forum topic for the AZ GTi here: 


I'm new to the mount but have ben having some success with it. Do you have  the SynScan manual? Points worth noting:

First, make sure the mount is level by adjusting the tripod legs until the bubble level is centred. Then:


I use Polaris rather than a compass, and level the scope visually comparing the dovetail clamp knob with the bubble level at the top of the mount. You don't have to be too accurate.

Then, I get best results with "North Level Alignment":


I start with Polaris, then another star in the East (at the moment I use Altair atthe bottom of the summer triangle).

After that, it's pretty accurate.

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43 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:


This is a great informative video here. 

Also what camera are you using? 



Thanks Lee, 

I shall watch this later.

The camera i have is a zwo asi178mc.

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9 minutes ago, CKP said:

Thanks Lee, 

I shall watch this later.

The camera i have is a zwo asi178mc.


I don't know much about your camera, sorry.

Try running it during the day on a far away object to learn how to use your software and camera (obviously no stars but gets good practice in) in getting use to focusing, gain and taking images. 

Take it all one step at a time. Get used to alignment with your mount and scope first then go with your camera and capture software. But like I say practice with your camera during the day first. 

The moon makes a good subject for starting to learn imaging with taking video captures and stacking them in software. But this will come in time for you 😊




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21 hours ago, happy-kat said:


when it's daylight go to settings and connect settings and choose emulator mode, then connect and the app can now be pretend used to get familiar with it. Remember to take it out of emulator mode when finished.



Hi Happy-kat,

I found the emulator button in the app.

When I click on it and then try to slew the scope, nothing happens.

I've tried searching the Internet about the emulator but there ain't much information out there.

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When the emulator mode was first available it was only accessable through a certain method of touching the screen, it is really handy it can now be easily selected. Synscan app is usable on many mounts (whether inbuilt wifi or dongle) and is not specific to just the azgti mount.

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How can I tweek the accuracy that final bit more?

I went out last night fighting with the clouds and started to understand this mount better.

I made sure the bubbles were level on both the tripod and the mount. 

I was using synscan on my phone so I knew the time, date and coordinates were accurate.

I found Polaris in the 25mm eyepiece and then lowered the telescope to the  horizontal position.

I connected to synscan and chose the North alignment. Polaris and Arcturus were the best stars to use given the situation with the clouds.

When slewing to Polaris it stopped short so I had to finish aligning it manually. By doing this I learnt you have to do it via the buttons and not push it for better accuracy.

When it slewed to Arcturus, it was just outside the field of view. I manually aligned it and then went to mizar with the same result. 

This is the most accurate I can get, can it be better?


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4 hours ago, CKP said:

I made sure the bubbles were level on both the tripod and the mount. 

Don't trust the bubbles on the SW mounts as their degree of accuracy resembles a disaster. Use a high quality spirit level. Best being an engineers level used for lathes if you can find one for a reasonable price, and from a REPUTABLE manufacturer.

Actually any decent quality level will do 🙂

Edited by SthBohemia
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6 minutes ago, SthBohemia said:

Don't trust the bubbles on the SW mounts as their degree of accuracy resembles a disaster. Use a high quality spirit level. Best being an engineers level used for lathes if you can find one for a reasonable price, and from a REPUTABLE manufacturer.

Baloney ... If the mount needed an engineer's level to operate they'd have fitted one in factory and added £200 to the purchase price ... 🤣

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