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Astro-Physics 110mm f6 StarFire GTX

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Just a tip with the tube rings.

I have the 130GTX and the rings look very similar, wonderfully well machined and quite heavy. A mistake I made when I first got the scope was to just let the brushed metal clamping knobs dangle freely whilst adjusting the OTA in the cradle. The problem is that on the 130GTX the knobs are so heavy they swing like a pendulum and, in my excitement to get it set up,  it didn’t take long before they had put little dints on the outside of each ring where they’d touched just beneath the hinge. Only cosmetic, but still heartbreaking for a new scope. I’ve since covered the marks with small black sticker dots which are barely noticeable and also provide a little bit of protection should I make the same mistake again. 

Just something to watch for in case you have heavy knobs as well 😃


Edited by UKRoman
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It finally arrived! I present to you AP 100GTX #030 and I´ll let the pictures speak for themself. 










AP 110 GTX compared to WO RedCat 51  


OTA, rings, handle and dove plate all together do not fit in to Pelican AIR 1535, however if set on its side and rings unlocked it is possible to close the case. However I would not recommend it.




In visual configuration, as still waiting on new ZWO ASI2600MC Duo do be released.

First light hopefully next weekend. 


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Congratulations and what struck me is how beefy the draw tube on the focuser looks compared to the main tube, almost the same diameter, it makes your 2" maxbright diagonal look like a little 1.25" one on the back.

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it strikes me there is a huge amount of capability there packaged in such a way that it will always be easy to get out and utilise it (low deployment effort and easily mobile). Brilliant!

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Congratulations! You are now a member of a very exclusive club!

Looking forward to seeing some images from first light, most of the lottery winners over at CN seem to be visual.

From the AP forum, I think Roland had to work hard to get a flat field, it's very sensitive to any tilt in the image train

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Nice scope, looking forward to seeing what it can do.

Out of interest what backpack/case is that?

I have a similar scope and could work for with my scope for travel.

Is it carry on?


Edited by Deadlake
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28 minutes ago, Deadlake said:

Nice scope, looking forward to seeing what it can do.

Out of interest what backpack/case is that?

I have a similar scope and could work for with my scope for travel.

Is it carry on?

Thank you!
It is Lowepro Pro Trekker BP 550 AW II, modular system and it is carry on compatible. I have taken it on several plane trips and it even fits in the DHC-8 overhead compartment. I find it to be quite good and I can pack over 20 Kg in it. Seems to handle it quite well with WO Redcat51, ZWO AM5 and battery. For AP 110GTX it will be a stretch in size and weight.

There are two minor things I would like to have better:

  1. Strap management. Super handy during storing in overhead compartments or going through security scans to avoid strap snags. Osprey and some others do it perfect and it is easily remedied with aftermarket backpack protective cover & rain cover/flight cover.
  2. Back loader access. Helps when setting up so your straps do not go on often wet/damp/dirty surface.

Other than that, perfect back pack, carries a lot and I can take my OTA with mount onboard.


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Congratulations on the arrival of 110GTX-030!   That portable setup looks sweet!  I am going to look up the bag you referenced.  I plan to take a Stowaway to Mexico next year for the solar eclipse and it looks just perfect for the trip.

Enjoy that jewel!


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5 hours ago, rrb24 said:

I plan to take a Stowaway to Mexico next year for the solar eclipse and it looks just perfect for the trip.

Just make sure not to go to a cartel controlled part of Mexico unless you want to risk being kidnapped for ransom or just plain shot for being on their territory.  Perhaps you know someone there who knows their way around and can keep you safe.  The company my son works for just recently cancelled routine business trips to central Mexico to monitor their operations there.  He himself did manage to take an uneventful pleasure trip to Mexico City and the nearby Aztec ruins this spring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to get out several times this week to have some fun with the new Astro Physics 110 STARFIRE GTX and take few expositions. Did some visual as well.
First lets start with handling. In full AP setup OTA and ZWO AM5 mount are light enough to be carried in one hand. Not easy at 18.3 kg (without the battery) but doable due to large and comfortable top handle. 
This has proven as a key in usability. Makes transportation and setup a breeze.


Given that the OTA with rings and handle does not fit in Pelican AIR 1535 it came in, I chose to try transporting OTA it all assembled, only disconnecting cables and removing it from the mount.


It was quite clear this week and setting up took only few minutes each time.

Best polar alignment I achieved ever. Double checked it just to be sure, but it was spot on without any need for intervention.


Focusing and guiding were spectacular last night. The M101 supernova SN 2023ixf was visible in preview.



All set up and taking exposures.

Below is a .png export of 285 Lights, gain 252 with ZWO ASI585MC and all calibrations totalling exactly 8h 0m 0s of exposure. Work in progress, stacked and stretched without proper processing. Need to remove stars, further stretch, saturate, de-noise...



The very first night I tried the Pelican nebula, IC5070, same settings and calibrations but only 22 lights totalling 44 min of exposure. I was trying to get proper distancing to achieve back focus, but it was obvious something was off. I had to improvise, as all my spacers are M48/M42 for WO RedCat 51. Proper M54 spacers are on order together with new camera. Luckily, ZWO EOS lens adapter has M54/M42 stepdown, so now it was just down to getting the right distance. 



Made few single exposures of the M4, 1 light, 60 sec exposure, no calibration.


Toward the end of night the moon was rising, again single exposure. 


Visual back with MaxBright 2" mirror diagonal gave nice views of Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Jupiter's Moons. 


Moon through the eyepiece with mobile phone

All in all, Astro-Physics StarFire 110GTX is exquisite optical instrument. That will enable a long and joyful growth path that I can not wait take and share with all of you.


Edited by Dark Raven
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9 hours ago, Dark Raven said:

Visual back with MaxBright 2" mirror diagonal gave nice views of Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Jupiter's Moons. 


How do you find the AM5 when used in visual mode? 
Presume you are using in Eq and not AltZ mode and how did you align it, two star?

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6 hours ago, Deadlake said:

How do you find the AM5 when used in visual mode?

For visual with AM5 in EQ mode I use guider as main camera on ASIARIR Plus and after that plate solving. Works like a charm. Good polar alignment mitigates drift but I usually switch targets far before any tracking drift becomes apparent. 

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33 minutes ago, DirkSteele said:

Fits in a Pelican Air 1535? That will make a wonderful travel scope to distant lands.

I was thinking the weight, it’s around  5.5kg, that is 2 kg less then the 105 mm LZOS I have. Less weight when travelling is always a bonus…

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31 minutes ago, Deadlake said:

I was thinking the weight, it’s around  5.5kg, that is 2 kg less then the 105 mm LZOS I have. Less weight when travelling is always a bonus…

Exactly the same thought I had about my LZOS 105 as well. 

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1 hour ago, DirkSteele said:

Exactly the same thought I had about my LZOS 105 as well. 

You can save 1.1 kg swapping out the FT focuser for an APM one, less travel however an extension tube will easily resolve this.. 

The 105 will be around 6.2 kg after swapping the focuser’s, maybe some thing to do while you wait on the lottery!!!

A harmonic mount as well is a great option, no need to balance the scope and will work with a 130 mm scope if you still have one…

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 16/06/2023 at 22:21, 900SL said:

I'm interested in seeing how this performs with a full frame sensor, as per the design intent of Mr R.

I was wondering the the same, guess we will  find out after the summer. Still missing proper M54 distancers.


120MM on the left and 585MC on the right.


Will need to go after long exposure targets as I am bringing "only" 2 TB of storage with me. Hope it will be enough.

Edited by Dark Raven
Compared to 120MM and 585MC
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  • 5 months later...

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