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Nice thin Venus 10-03-09


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Managed to get out again tonight for about 30 minutes.

Venus is getting quite low now and is well in the turbulent air even early...

But the nice thin crescent really makes up for it.

I've taken roughly 20,000 frames over 6 AVI's. I've tried to process all of them in Registax5, but for some reason it will only let me open one AVI at a time (Registax4 let you open as many as you want untill the 10,000 frame limit as reached).

Ao I'm still working on it - might have a better image to post later tonight.

Here is an image taken with the DMK21, running at 60 Fps, attached below is a screen shot of the settings for Jon (Ford Prefect). You can see from the screen dump just how bad the seeing was!!!

5400 frames, with the best 3800ish stacked (90% quality) in Registax5.

If you want to see / image venus, don't leave it much longer - it's sinking fast!

Hope you like.


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That's a haunting looking Image Ant. You got a good one in mate.

Must be very close to inferior conjunction now. Not much time left for Venus grabbers. I think that could get in the queue for a certain accolade.


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Thanks for the comments guys... :)

Ed. The more frames the better. Enables me to have a higher quality threashold and still have a good number to stack.

That AVI was only 5400 frames (I can't get registax to align on more than one AVI Grrrrr....).

The DMK's frame rate of 60fps is a god send. With the Toucam it would take about 18 minutes to get that number of frames and the uncompressed 5fps (90 seconds with the DMK).



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