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Getting back on the forum


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I have been away from the forum for a while having sunk under the pressures and responsibilities of life in general and having no energy left for observing. After a recent enforced spell of rest / reflection whilst having Covid I had time to think about what I do and don't want to do with my time and getting back into observing is high on my list.

I've spent a bit of time on other forums relating to completely different hobbies that better suited my circumstances recently, and have to say having done this for me SGL is the finest corner of the internet that I have experienced. Lots of friendly and knowledgeable people, high standards of conduct and moderating, and an overall consistently enjoyable place to be.

I am glad to still see many familiar names and although I may be relatively quiet I look forward to hanging out again in the visual observing forums and reading about people's observing adventures.

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Good to see you back. I did the same, took a break from astronomy for about 5 years and I’ve been back for a couple of years now. I didn’t realize how much I missed it till I came back but my enthusiasm has returned in buckets. Not just the forum (which is obviously fab) but whole hobby, reading about it, watching YouTube, talking about it….and thinking about new and innovative ways to spend my hard earned cash whilst in the shower!!!!

I have noticed how my work colleagues, knowing I’m an amateur astronomer, have started to come to me with questions, it’s surprising how people want to know more, even if it’s only casual curiosity, and they think I’m really clever when I answer them, clearly I’m not but what I say peaks their interest and that’s really satisfying. 

In my opinion, it’s better coming back the second time than it was the first time around…..enjoy


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Welcome back, this hobby really never leaves you, it just runs in the back ground.


I also left the forum for awhile and couldn't access my old account.


It's good to be back back home. 



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Welcome back, Paz!

I use a forum for another hobby quite a bit and there are a few things about that forum that really bug me. SGL, on the other hand, has none of those things that bug me about the other hobby site. So for me SGL is by far the best hobby website I use. The experience has made me appreciate more what a class act SGL is.

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12 hours ago, Jiggy 67 said:

I have noticed how my work colleagues, knowing I’m an amateur astronomer, have started to come to me with questions, it’s surprising how people want to know more, even if it’s only casual curiosity, and they think I’m really clever when I answer them, clearly I’m not but what I say peaks their interest and that’s really satisfying. 


It is an unusual hobby and most people know nothing much about it - as with you I find if I point out something to people they think it's interesting/different. Once when out on a trick or treat night it was clear and a conversation about the stars started up between some parents. Someone said I did astronomy so someone else pointed to a random star and asked if I knew what it was, it was Vega which was is well known if you do much observing, but they didn't believe me and right in front of me checked it out on an app on their phone to see if I was right!

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3 hours ago, PXR5 said:

Welcome back, this hobby really never leaves you, it just runs in the back ground.


I also left the forum for awhile and couldn't access my old account.


It's good to be back back home. 



Welcome back to you also!

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1 hour ago, Luke said:

Welcome back, Paz!

I use a forum for another hobby quite a bit and there are a few things about that forum that really bug me. SGL, on the other hand, has none of those things that bug me about the other hobby site. So for me SGL is by far the best hobby website I use. The experience has made me appreciate more what a class act SGL is.

SGL was the only online forum I was on for a hobby for a long time so it was normal to me and I didn't have anything to compare it to. Now I do have some other forum experiences to compare it to and none of them are of the same standard.

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