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Biggest aperture travel scope?

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This old thing occurs to me again, partly as I get older and I begin to fall apart! :rolleyes2:

I have a decent set of scopes, though some of them just have to go, unfortunately, not many have ben out recently, indeed I have done little observing recently at all. I have mostly been using my C5 and EDF 72 refractor, they are just so easy to get together with the AZGTi! My C9.25 however, hasn't been out in well over a year! ( No need to go into the reasons, it just hasn't! :sad: )

I have always been thinking about travel and ease of deployment, always considering the many options. Recently I have been considering the option of the Scopetech Zero mount, with a compact decent tripod and maybe my CC6. The thing is, I am not sure that I really get on with the CC6, even though for value for money, it is hard to beat. Then I saw that an 8" SCT is about the same weight as the CC6, similar size. Mmmmm...

The budget needs to be considered, but just what is the biggest aperture that is transportable, without too much fuss and within a decent budget? The CC6 or a 8" SCT would perhaps be pushing the Zero, but it should be doable, if not maybe the AZ5 with a decent tripod?

I am left pondering further purchases, selling some existing kit, but just which direction to go in? :dontknow:

( Not just for travel either, but the future and use at home... )


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Depends what you mean by transportable, @Greymouser. By air, car or just into back garden?

Anyway sounds if you might already have options for all three already. EDF 72 and AZGTi is eminently transportable. The C9.25 gives you aperture but sounds if too much hassle. I doubt the C8 would be much better.

If you want an easily handled all rounder, a 4-inch refractor might be the answer for a complete lifetime of enjoyment. Preferably one of the Tak FC100 series., which are compact and light.

Edited by JeremyS
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1 minute ago, JeremyS said:

Depends what you mean by transportable. By air, car or just into back garden?


All three I guess, but mainly car; back garden and even at a pinch backpack/trailer to a very remote place.

I know the C5 and EDF 72 are very easily used, but I suppose I want more!  :grin:

I suspect the 8" SCT would be a lot easier than the C9.25. The C9.25 weighs in at just over 9 KG, the 8" SCT is at 5.2 at the lightest variant. The C9.25 would never fit on the Scopetech Zero either! I am not sure I want to try carrying the C9.25 and Evolution mount around in a backpack really. :rolleyes2:

As for the suggestion of getting a Tak FC100, nice, but, well there is the thing of budget consideration, never mind just not enough aperture. I mean I could get an 8" SCT; Zero and good wooden tripod for less than a Tak... :smiley:

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I recently had some darn good views with a binocular, but I guess I wouldn’t be using that as the only thing to look up. 

How about a nice mak? They are quite light and can perform quite well on a light mount… I wouldn’t take it on a plane, though. But i’ve seen people take up to an 8” sct on airtravels.

the largest scope I take on a plane is my trusty 12” Sumerian dob. The mirror goes into the carry-on and the rest fits into the luggage. 

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How about a C6 - it will obviously have the same aperture as  a CC6, but be a further 2kgs lighter. I think a C8 is getting too big, especially for an AZ-GTi. Versus the C8, you lose a bit of aperture but gain a bit of field, which is important in a travel scope I think.

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I thought the weight limit of the Scopetech Zero was 7 KG? At 5.2 KG for the lightest 8" SCT, if i kept the rest of the bits light enough, I would get away with it. I would never consider trying one on the AZGTi. The AZ5 limit is 9KG, if I could find a substantial enough/compact tripod, to go with it. The length of the 8" SCT is only 46 cm too. The Heritage dob is not light enough I suspect and loses on aperture.

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Yes I did think that about the AZ5, but had read many opinions on here saying with a good tripod the limit was 9KG. It seemed illogical to me, I mean yes I can imagine a good wooden tripod dampening down vibrations, but change the " breaking strain " of the mechanics, seemed an odd presumption. I guess part of it, was me wanting to believe the opinions of some. I trust your opinion though @johninderby, considering your obvious mechanical skills so often on show. The AZ5 idea is now  dropped. Have you tried the Scopetech Zero? Could that cope with a short 5.2KG OTA? 

If not the Zero, If I still want an 8" SCT on a portable mount, it will have to be one with out slo mo... The Castor? Or how about the  Giro Ercole or mini? Not sure how much of a weight saving the Ercole would be over the Skytee2.

Or maybe I just need to go away and think about the direction I want to take next, look again at what I already have...

Edit: @Louis D I had considered that, but would be unsure whom to go with, would also worry about how robust the result would be. Any suggestions?


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