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Whats your thoughts on NINA?


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16 minutes ago, malc-c said:

I agree, APT (and I'm running an old version) does what I need.  NINA seems a good application, and I found my way around the sections and application settings quite easy.  But for me it just doesn't work with my camera, even though serial connections have been provided.

What's needed is an application that has EQMOD built in, PHD2 built in, an imaging section like APT / BYEOS / MAXIM / PIXINSIGHT, and a planetarium option built in rather then having them as linked standalone applications.  Or have them as services that run in the background, but configurable through the one application.

I disagree with you there.. many of applications you quoted there I don't use.. Don't find the need for

All these software's don't apply them they prompt  them to be used... it doesn't plate solve it uses plate solving software such as  ASTAP or platesolve2  to do it

They're all standalone software's which APT and NINA uses.. it's not APT or NINA  directly doing it 

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 @malc-cWhat's needed is an application that has EQMOD built in, PHD2 built in, an imaging section like APT / BYEOS / MAXIM / PIXINSIGHT, and a planetarium option built in rather then having them as linked standalone applications.  Or have them as services that run in the background, but configurable through the one application.

There is one, buts it’s Linux based and called Kstars…uses indi drivers and Ekos is the imaging and control, section section…..👍🏼

Edited by Stuart1971
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21 minutes ago, newbie alert said:

it doesn't plate solve it uses plate solving software such as  ASTAP or platesolve2  to do it

They're all standalone software's which APT and NINA uses.. it's not APT or NINA  directly doing it 

I know that... that was the point... In essence what we have is individual scope control, guiding control, imaging sequencer,  plate solver, etc etc applications all connected via ASCOM.  For those with SW mounts EQMOD is often used as the scope "driver".  If CdC is launched and connected to the scope, it (via ASCOM) launches EQMOD.  Same goes in NINA, or APT.  Click connect to the telescope and up pops EQMOD. 

What I was suggesting, was to have single application, that has all that functionality coded within.  It's just a pipe dream as in order to cater for all the possible mounts, or cameras etc the code would be quite extensive.  This is why people write ASCOM compliant code... so that it can call and receive data from other ASCOM applications that already do that functionality

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4 minutes ago, malc-c said:

@nephilim that's a nice image... I would be more than proud of that.... but throwing £400 at software on a dedicated hardware box is out of my budget, and I believe these boxes only support ZWO gear (?)  so wouldn't work in my DSLR

Thank you, it was much better than I had expected my first image to be, it took hours of banging my head against a wall trying to learn the basics of PI but i'm glad that I persevered.
I do understand the ASIair isnt a cheap option considering NINA is free & as i'd mentioned previously, I did have a look at NINA to start with but there was so much to already learn that trying to also get my head round NINA would have resulted in a broken brain 😬. Its taken me a year of solid saving (Plus many hours of overtime) & buying AP gear bit by bit to get to where I am now.
Your also right about the camera, although it does support several Canon & Nikon models. The Pro version is discontinued now though as the new ASIair Plus comes out in November & i'd assume that more non ZWO related cameras will also become compatible over time.


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Well I've had a response from the developers.  Seems they never implemented support for the Canon Dxxx below a 450 (which uses USB anyway).  So if you have a D400 or below and use a serial cable to control long exposures and want to use NINA  then regretfully due to the time, and effort the developers of NINA would have to put in to making the function work they feel its is not warranted.  Apparently this was only tested on Nikon cameras that required this method of control.

The ironic thing is that both Nikon and Canon serial cable releases both use the RTS line as the trigger... So I'm at a loss as to why they claim it would need a lot of time and effort to resolve.  In theory if the RTS goes high then the shutter is triggered.  But then this error seems to be COM related - in that NINA is not actually communicating with the com port and still looking at the USB port and then getting its knickers in a twist as USB doesn't support 30+ seconds.... You can't fool the software into thinking its a Nikon camera, and removing the USB lead is treated as a disconnected camera...

So its back to APT :)

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1 minute ago, malc-c said:

So I'm at a loss as to why they claim it would need a lot of time and effort to resolve. 

If you've done software development, you'll know that it isn't always as easy as it looks. And to be fair to the devs - remember this is free software - how much time do you think it would be worth working on a 'niche' feature like this, compared to the time they should be taking to work on new features that everyone is clamouring for... ? 

They've come a long way in a short time, and this thread stands testament to how well they've done. 

I'm still not using it, though 😉



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5 hours ago, nephilim said:

@Newforestgimp I'd love to give NINA a shot but it seems a very steep learning curve, especially as i'm very new to all this. I also use the ASIair & its perfect. I can be up & running within 10mins of setting my gear up & it just does what its supposed to do with no issues at all (i've obviously cursed it now 😒)


Nina is actually quite straightforward to use with a few caveats that you know all your focal lengths, pixel counts etc etc. As I say I really liked NINA it really was just the guiding integration wasnt great when I used NINA, and as you say I would revert to APT and be up and running in 10 mins no dramas.

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11 minutes ago, adyj1 said:

If you've done software development, you'll know that it isn't always as easy as it looks. And to be fair to the devs - remember this is free software - how much time do you think it would be worth working on a 'niche' feature like this, compared to the time they should be taking to work on new features that everyone is clamouring for... ? 

They've come a long way in a short time, and this thread stands testament to how well they've done. 

I'm still not using it, though 😉

Oh I can understand that it might not be worth the time and effort for something that  supports a small section of the community....But then the developers of GSServer and previously Chris of EQMOD updated their applications to suit the individual who wanted custom mount settings  (Can't think who that might be 🤔 😉) and I bet that was a lot more work than making the existing serial trigger working with Canon cameras.  I've done embedded coding, so know that somethings have a domino effect, but seeing that the functionality exists it could be as simple as adding a check box to instruct the software to use the same subroutine as the Nikon does.

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6 hours ago, malc-c said:

I know that... that was the point... In essence what we have is individual scope control, guiding control, imaging sequencer,  plate solver, etc etc applications all connected via ASCOM.  For those with SW mounts EQMOD is often used as the scope "driver".  If CdC is launched and connected to the scope, it (via ASCOM) launches EQMOD.  Same goes in NINA, or APT.  Click connect to the telescope and up pops EQMOD. 

What I was suggesting, was to have single application, that has all that functionality coded within.  It's just a pipe dream as in order to cater for all the possible mounts, or cameras etc the code would be quite extensive.  This is why people write ASCOM compliant code... so that it can call and receive data from other ASCOM applications that already do that functionality

Yes, it my point too, I don't use CDC, eqmod stellarium,  or pixinsight.. can you imagine how complex( and expensive) a all in one package would be?  

I'd rather stick to how it is

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4 minutes ago, newbie alert said:

Yes, it my point too, I don't use CDC, eqmod stellarium,  or pixinsight.. can you imagine how complex( and expensive) a all in one package would be?  

I'd rather stick to how it is

@newbie alert After finishing my PixInsight 45 day free trial & this afternoon purchasing the full license of PI, I can well imagine how expensive it would be 😬

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4 minutes ago, nephilim said:

@newbie alert After finishing my PixInsight 45 day free trial & this afternoon purchasing the full license of PI, I can well imagine how expensive it would be 😬

Well I hope it warrants it's price tag for you.. and that's just 1 program...imagine all the others added to the bill.. good luck with PI

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1 minute ago, newbie alert said:

Well I hope it warrants it's price tag for you.. and that's just 1 program...imagine all the others added to the bill.. good luck with PI

Thanks. I really enjoyed the free trial & spent a lot of time with YouTube tutorials so I can now perform the basics. I'm looking forward to using it & I think it'll be an ongoing  learning experience.


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NINA is excellent imho, I highly recommend it. The latest build (Version 1.11) even has a very easy to use polar alignment tool, as demonstrated in this video: 

I testes the 3 point polar alignment tool in NINA last night, it is really easy to use. 


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