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Europa reappearance from eclipse 07-09-21

U Cyg

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A short gif of Europa reappearing from eclipse.
Images captured from 20:41ut to 20:46ut, but I think Europa had reached maximum brightness before the last capture.


After these captures Firecapture decided that it didn't recognise my camera, nor my ASI120mm and ASI120mc.  So after a few reboots and still no luck I called it a night. 

I tried again yesterday during daylight and all seems to be fine, but it was cloudy last night & rain most of the day today & this evening, so it is back to the waiting game again!


Celestron 8se, basic EQ5 mount with dual axis drives, ASI 224, ADC, IR742  & 2x barlow.
Firecapture, AutoStakkert!3, Registax 6, Photoshop



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Great capture there Angie. I observed this visually, quite fun to watch. What surprises me most about your gif is how much the planet appears to rotate just in that short space of time, amazing.

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Thanks Stu. In fact it was your heads-up that sent me out to image it, and with only a minute or so to spare!

I also caught the Io one a few days earlier, but seeing was so bad that I'm not sure that I can do anything with the data.


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3 minutes ago, U Cyg said:

Thanks Stu. In fact it was your heads-up that sent me out to image it, and with only a minute or so to spare!

I also caught the Io one a few days earlier, but seeing was so bad that I'm not sure that I can do anything with the data.


Excellent! Glad the heads up was useful.

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Thanks Neil! I remember the first time I saw one through my first scope, Tal-1.  I couldn't work out what had happened, thought that I must have imagined it,

until I looked at Skymap Pro.  After that I always checked to see what was going on.   Nowadays I rarely check anything!

Thank you Craig.  I should have just had an early night instead of trying to sort it out.

Thanks Simon. Yes, it was good to catch it, but if I hadn't seen Stu's heads-up I wouldn't have known about it.

Thanks Martyn.  It was a real rushed job but it came out fairly well!


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