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Incredible fortune: an immaculate FC100DL

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This evening, looking forward to starting the rare tube, despite clouds and turbulence, I decided to mount the turret and two 18mm Abbe Ortho and  to point the moon on a  AZGTI 
I must say that today I saw a CRAZY moon with unprecedented detail, color and contrast (only in Mewlon) in refractors within 120mm


I then aimed at the SW MAK 127 and the next one that says it is comparable to a 10 cm apo I eat it alive

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My daughters Skymax127 outperforms every 4” apo.  

But seriously, a very nice collection you are building in a short time.  The best way to do it in my opinion! 


Edited by Robindonne
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Congratulations! that is one fine looking scope and, I'm sure it will perform every bit as good as it looks! doesn't it feel like you found treasure when a fine scope falls into your hands suddenly!? enjoy that great instrument!

Edited by Sunshine
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6 minutes ago, Fedele said:

Wich TOE eyepiece to Buy?

i have uet

TV Barlow 2x

Tv Powermate 2,5

Abbe 32
TV Ploss 25

abbe ortho 18

taka LE 7.5

Abbe Ortho 6 

Baader ortho 10 

Just depends on your seeing, and what you’d use it for. The 2.5mm would be too much for the DL except on rare occasions. The 3.3mm and 4mm are both phenomenal eyepieces - I’ve only used the 3.3 but hear the 4mm is just as good. Can’t go wrong with either.

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I don't use 2 inch eyepieces with my FC100-DL very often. Usually my low and wide eyepiece in that scope is the 24mm Panoptic. I have other scopes which are more suitable for wide field observing.

For high powers my most used eyepiece is the 4mm-2mm Nagler zoom. Not often at 2mm though.


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