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Targets in Cygnus for brighter skies !

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A few nights ago I was out , the brightness of a super moon and summer made observing challenging . Bring a great fan of Cygnus I spent a happy hour and was very struck by ,

NGC 6811 the "hold in the cluster", just a lovely ring of stars.

NGC 6819 , like powdered glass at higher (x90) magnification.

Other super clusters , NGC 7039 , NGC 6872 and in Vulpecula, NGC 6882, 6885 and 6940.

Very surprised how bright and clear planetary nebulae here were . Especially NGC 7027 (+9) and the "blinking planetary" NGC 6826" .Both of these really blink well. Others here are much fainter , awaiting darker skies . That's NGC 7026, 7048 and 6884.

Didn't leave the area without M29 , "Piazzi's flying double" 61 Cygni (SAO 070919) and the colourful feast of Albireo.

Here's to darker nights and brighter days , careful now, 


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Good report Nick !

I've been exploring the same area with my 100mm and 120mm refractors recently and there is a lot to see :smiley:

I managed to get NGC 6884 with my 120mm. It's not that hard to see but it is pretty small - until you turn up the magnification !



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Great suggestions here. One of my absolute favourites though has not been mentioned. NGC7008 - the foetus nebula - highly recommended. One of only a handful of planetaries that reveal detail and structure even in an 8” scope under light polluted skies. It is also placed almost overhead during summer. Bring an OIII and an observation cloth to shield away stray light... Easily takes magnification between 150-200x.

clear skies!

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8 hours ago, Froeng said:

NGC7008 - the foetus nebula

A nice nebula, easily spotted even at lower powers. I’ve recorded it as a blue/green disc at X143 mag. I did try an OIII like you but I found it better without a filter…..shows how different people can see things in a different way

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