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Ingenuity's 5th Flight Photo


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This happened a few days ago on Mars. The little drone / helecopter Ingenuity made it's 5th flight and the first where it flew to a new landing site some 129 metres from the Perserverance rover. Quite a remarkable image IMHO:


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1 hour ago, John said:

Oddly enough, the image reminded me of this from the opening sequence of one of my favourite TV programmes:


I think I liked the scene with 5 o'clock Charlie, bomb in hand, shaking it at those on the ground watching him, just before tossing it back over his shoulder!

That was a great show!

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Great stuff, when I was a teenager the thought of a electric helicopter/drone being able to lift off while being self powered was the stuff of Science Fiction.

As to space exploration in general each generation hits a brick wall with the limits of the current technology and has to wait for another breakthrough before planning new types of missions. We are a bit stuck with rocket propulsion at the moment but the payloads can be incredibly small in the future.


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A truly amazing image. 

9 hours ago, John said:

Oddly enough, the image reminded me of this from the opening sequence of one of my favourite TV programmes:

I finally worked it out. 🙂

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  • 2 months later...

Having tested a bristling array of instruments on its robotic arm, NASA’s latest Mars rover gets down to business: probing rocks and dust for evidence of past life. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/signs-of-life-on-mars-nasas-perseverance-rover-begins-the-hunt

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I`d like to mention another Mars rover mission that is gonna be launched next year. The new Mars rover is called the Rosalind Franklin rover mission by the European Space Agency. As the Perseverance rover mission,  the Rosalind Franklin rover has the main purpose to look for some forms of life on the red planet or their traces.

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Some new pieces of news came NASA is about to use Ingenuity, which has spent $ 80 million in development, to explore areas that a six-wheeled rover cannot reach, as well as to create 3D maps of the planet’s surface and solve other scientific problems. The purpose of the rover’s mission is to try to find traces of possible existence in the distant past of life on Mars.

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