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Mesu mount (all versions) owner's thread


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2 hours ago, Xsubmariner said:

Hi dan-Asi, may I enquire what application you used to create the Seeing and star elongation graphs?

This week I acquired a Mesu 200 non MK2, from a very nice gentleman who stored the mount for 5 years having acquired another premium mount prior to the Mesu delivery.  I was unsure if a “never used” Mesu stored for that time would have some stiction problems, I needn't have worried. Commissioning the mount yesterday with a 12” Meade ACF load everything is working as it should. I will never tire of watching these mounts move large loads so effortlessly, smooth and quiet. Now looking forward to seeing how this mounts operational performance compares to my 2 Mk2 mounts.

After the challenges of my first premium mount, CEM120EC2 and then the PEC, T Point, re-greasing and worm drive adjustment demands of a Paramount MX. I love the fact that the Mesu needs no more than an initial plate-solve on startup and then it centres on DSOs to within 3 pixels in 2 or less plate-solves.  The guiding is excellent with the apparent limiting factor being the PA and seeing. If my Mesu’s deliver the long reliability experienced by Olly I will be a very contented man. Bring on the longer nights.

You'll get bored. Every man has to tinker.... 😉



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There is enough tinkering with the RC, computerised accessories, camera spacing, flat fields and not least software updates and changes.  I like my trouble free, zero maintenance mounts which have allow me to focus on image capture and processing. Putting the systems together is great fun also.

Now if only I could get maintenance/update free Windows 10. 

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4 hours ago, Xsubmariner said:

Hi dan-Asi, may I enquire what application you used to create the Seeing and star elongation graphs?

This week I acquired a Mesu 200 non MK2, from a very nice gentleman who stored the mount for 5 years having acquired another premium mount prior to the Mesu delivery.  I was unsure if a “never used” Mesu stored for that time would have some stiction problems, I needn't have worried. Commissioning the mount yesterday with a 12” Meade ACF load everything is working as it should. I will never tire of watching these mounts move large loads so effortlessly, smooth and quiet. Now looking forward to seeing how this mounts operational performance compares to my 2 Mk2 mounts.

After the challenges of my first premium mount, CEM120EC2 and then the PEC, T Point, re-greasing and worm drive adjustment demands of a Paramount MX. I love the fact that the Mesu needs no more than an initial plate-solve on startup and then it centres on DSOs to within 3 pixels in 2 or less plate-solves.  The guiding is excellent with the apparent limiting factor being the PA and seeing. If my Mesu’s deliver the long reliability experienced by Olly I will be a very contented man. Bring on the longer nights.

Hello, the graphs are part of analysis in Prism v.10 Observatory Control software. I have the advanced version. Nice piece of software, has everything you need for an observatory. It is mostly popular here in Europe, developed by Alcor-System in France. They also make the Nova 120 and 200 Direct Drive mounts. 

I also had a 12 inch Meade SCT. Yes the Mesu handles it with no problem, but there was focus shift, mirror shift, to much dew, ... I ditched the SCT and got a big-ish refractor. 

So you have 3 Mesu mounts? 😉 My second one will be with absolute encoders on it, a Mesu 200 on steroids🙂 

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I hear you jonk, but them there is the 3rd party focus controller, mount controller, sequence generator I.e Nina or Apt or SGP that doesn't function correctly without the necessary software updates.  Boy this hobby is fun with plenty of software tinkering. 

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2 hours ago, Xsubmariner said:

I hear you jonk, but them there is the 3rd party focus controller, mount controller, sequence generator I.e Nina or Apt or SGP that doesn't function correctly without the necessary software updates.  Boy this hobby is fun with plenty of software tinkering. 

You could try software that controls everything. Prism is ok. I don't have Maxim dl or TheSkyX, so can not comment on those. I still use windows 7 with updates disabled, on the Intel Nuc that controls the scope and Mesu.

My main PC doesn't have Windows at all, I use Linux. 

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15 hours ago, dan_adi said:

I also had a 12 inch Meade SCT. Yes the Mesu handles it with no problem, but there was focus shift, mirror shift, to much dew, ... I ditched the SCT and got a big-ish refractor. 

The SCT is the f8 LX850 variant with the updated focuser so an improvement on previous versions. I have a biggish refractor and enjoy experiencing the variation in different telescope characteristics.

Thanks for the information reference Prism, I will look up the application specifics.

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16 hours ago, Xsubmariner said:

I hear you jonk, but them there is the 3rd party focus controller, mount controller, sequence generator I.e Nina or Apt or SGP that doesn't function correctly without the necessary software updates.  Boy this hobby is fun with plenty of software tinkering. 

I've had enough with SGP and their promises. I needed my Obsy to be 100% trouble free and that didn't always happen and confidence in this game is paramount. I have moved over to  Voyager and once I got my head round Dragscripts relating to my equipment it just works, it's safety events scripts boost your confidence, that in any emergency it make your equipment safe whether it's just pausing for clouds or shutting down for adverse weather. I now have my two scope rig running with Voyager's Array software which let's me run both scopes independently. Something SGP has had in the pipeline for years.



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I have been asking for dual camera working on SGP for a few years and found running 2 instances of SGP slow and less than optimal, now I don’t bother. Mesu wise I have only observed one issue which was the mount flipping back and forth between the East and West side of the pier during its centre on target function, after commanding an early meridian flip in SGP after the system reports insufficient time to complete frame.


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One of the main reasons I had a bent knee pier made for the mesu, so I don’t need a meridian flip.

This brings other software issues however which are being looked at by Sitech as we speak.

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Long story short, do it if you can!

The 'issue' is in the software, by moving the meridian limit for gotos, we found an issue where in a certain part of the sky, the mount will 'goto' the mirror opposite of the sky when a goto command is issued, (either to a local object in the quadrant or even a couple of pixels away,for example plate solving). We think the issue has always been there, but not found due to the fact you wouldn't normally goto under the pole deep in the west to image, however of course this is possible (likely for comets / other odd things).

We've asked Sitech to look into it with a view to removing limits for people who cannot crash into their pier, and they will do eventually.

Rembering that Sitech is pretty much one person (Dan Gray) we have to be patient.

For more information, there's a discussion on the Sitech groups here and here

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After having a couple of hours under reasonable skies last night, managed to -

Enter accurate lat/long for my location, not sure it’s 100% correct as it requires degrees rather than hours minutes seconds etc.

Time not sure about this one so used the time from my laptop.

Sync to a star on the east and do an offset innit? set park, park, power down and restart. Unpark and it just started tracking just like everyone said!

Managed to get a glimpse of Jupiter through the lowdown murkiness, low power nothing spectacular.

One question if I may, aside from feeling slightly overwhelmed by the mount and software, has anyone tried the polar alignment routine within Sitech? Clear skies over the next week are looking sparse so would welcome comments and feedback if anyone has used it?

And lastly seem to get a below horizon error occasionally when moving the mount around when clearly it isn’t. I presumed doing a one star sync would stop this? Not touched horizon limits tab yet, just working out the basics first.

Also has anyone reduced the length of the counter weight shaft, as it’s quite long and is perhaps too long for my cosy observatory?

Ps love how quiet the mount is.

Thanks for reading,

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26 minutes ago, Neil27 said:

After having a couple of hours under reasonable skies last night, managed to -

Enter accurate lat/long for my location, not sure it’s 100% correct as it requires degrees rather than hours minutes seconds etc.

Time not sure about this one so used the time from my laptop.

Sync to a star on the east and do an offset innit? set park, park, power down and restart. Unpark and it just started tracking just like everyone said!

Managed to get a glimpse of Jupiter through the lowdown murkiness, low power nothing spectacular.

One question if I may, aside from feeling slightly overwhelmed by the mount and software, has anyone tried the polar alignment routine within Sitech? Clear skies over the next week are looking sparse so would welcome comments and feedback if anyone has used it?

And lastly seem to get a below horizon error occasionally when moving the mount around when clearly it isn’t. I presumed doing a one star sync would stop this? Not touched horizon limits tab yet, just working out the basics first.

Also has anyone reduced the length of the counter weight shaft, as it’s quite long and is perhaps too long for my cosy observatory?

Ps love how quiet the mount is.

Thanks for reading,

Never tried Polar Alignment with Sitech. I have a pole master and it works great. Fast and accurate.

If you get bellow horizon limit error, check your horizon file.

If you feel you need to shorten the CW bar, it's ok, but if you put new gear with more weight, in the future, you will probably need another CW bar, or heavier counterweights (I think the max is 20Kg per CW)

PS: if you want accurate pointing, precise time is essential. Either you sync your computer time to a time server from windows, or Sitech also sells a time server, that will connect to a bunch of gps satellites, and it will update the computer time all night as frequent as you want. My computer clock drifts 2 seconds, if it is powered down for 20 hours or so ... Computer clocks are not accurate  


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I use Sharpcap and for speed and ease of use, I say check it every serious imaging session cos you never know! It only takes a couple of minutes.

This is assuming you’re sat in front of it to adjust if necessary.

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6 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

How often are you checking PA?  I’ve always thought the Polemaster was a bit redundant with a pier mounted observatory?

Hmmm, I guess it was 3 weeks ago, when I assembled the scope and camera on the Mesu. Haven't touched it since. The autoguiding RMS is constant, so I guess I will recheck if I see a constant depreciation of the RMS

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Hi Neil,

I wouldn’t recommend shortening the CW shaft unless you are 100% certain you will never increase the weight that’s currently riding on the mount.

A shorter shaft could reduce the resale value as a shorter bar would limit what could be put on the mount, better to make a new shorter shaft and keep the original.

I actually have a longer than standard CW shaft on mine as I have a big load of scopes on the Mesu, it just clears the inside of the dome, but just clears works for me, as I’m not in the dome when it’s running.

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Ok thanks guys for the advice as always. I’m reluctant to spend more money on polar alignment equipment that will be only used once or very infrequently, so I may give the PA routine a try in the Sitech software and see how it goes.

Regarding the below horizon warning I get after rebooting not sure about this one. I assumed after a one star sync and learning its park position the mount would ‘know’ where it’s pointing, but perhaps I’m a little to optimistic. Maybe another dive into the manual will glean some more advice. 
Regarding latitude and longitude found a really good website, British geographic website I think for entering your location in a mind boggling number of ways, and once set that’s it never need to reset it. As for time I have downloaded an app that provides accurate time to precise measurements, so will just reset the laptop upon switching it on each time.

Regarding the c/w shaft I’m not sure what to do. I was surprised at the length when it arrived and it does move in all axis without any interference of any furniture or sides of the observatory. Maybe I’ll leave it and as others have suggested make a new one if it irritates me or becomes an issue.

Thanks for the advice everyone, 

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Video with a whole night session with Mesu 200. 5 minutes Lights, 60 in total, frame rate 6 frames/sec, taken with CFF 8 inch APO. Video assembled in ASTAP.

No bad subs due to guiding. The usual satellites trails.

Video can be opened with the free VLC media player. The original file was almost 1GB so I converted it to another format, with the associated quality loss



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A quick question to the MESU owners. Excuse me, but I have not managed to find any mention of this: Can the MESU be controlled with SkySafari? I am asking this as I am so used to it for visual and I am thinking about my "final" mount and scope. A bit of extra capacity (which the MESU seems to offer, would come in handy...

Thank you


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5 hours ago, Froeng said:

A quick question to the MESU owners. Excuse me, but I have not managed to find any mention of this: Can the MESU be controlled with SkySafari? I am asking this as I am so used to it for visual and I am thinking about my "final" mount and scope. A bit of extra capacity (which the MESU seems to offer, would come in handy...

Thank you


If Sky Safari can talk to an Ascom mount then yes. The mount has an Ascom driver. 

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  • 1 month later...

 I have had my mesu for a while but only recently realised that there was a much better way of adjusting polar alignment than the knurled knobs. These are quite hard to move, especially the one for altitude. The solution , probably obvious to everyone here, was to replace the knobs with m8 nuts and washers. These can then be moved easily and more accurately with a spanner. I kept the existing knobs as lock nuts. 



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