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Tegmine at last


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set up at 9pm was going to do some sketching (well trying) aligned on Rigel here was a sight I use a zoom to align went down to the 8mm to centre it and  a clear split I knew I was in for a good night.  Next  and this got me thinking why the handset would not give me anything in Leo nor would it give me Sirius had to settle on Dubhe.

NGC 457 to check alignment way out had to drag it back in.

Sirius  way out again dragged it back in but no luck splitting it.

Onto Monoceros  NGC 2301  "Hagrids dragon"   there he was wings spread out cracking sight.

NGC 2264  "Christmas tree"   more stars here than I have seen before just popping out everywhere.

NGC 2352   "Avery`s Island"  Nope my shed was in the way

σ Sigma Orionis (SAO 1324 06)  fine sight as Nick says (cotterless 45) lovely fish hook my sketch doesn't do it justice.

ι iota Cancri  (SAO 0804 16)  this and another target are winter Albireo`s  Sun like star with a royal blue companion just beautiful.

M1 no not a hint I suspect the moon was washing it out as well as the Leo trio I tried later on.

My nemesis Tegmine (SAO 0976 45)  easily see the double in 15mm went down to 11mm no 8mm no 6mm and got a hint is that it I am thinking well put my 4.5mm TMB in x262 and yes there it is clearly split I was jumping for joy.

 β Mon (SAO 1333 17) This was much easier to split what a site though.

Had a look at "La Superba" (SAO 0443 17) bright red/orange ember what a sight.

As Sirius was higher now I went to the other "Winter Albireo"   h3945 (SAO 1733 53)  Lovely gold and blue here really lovely sight.

Tried Iota Orionis knew it was in the wrong place as M42 was nearly in the middle of FOV with this being the first time I had tried this I wasnt sure which way to go so left it I didn't want to come in and ruin my adaptation.

My final objects where the Leo trio as previously stated and one I have never seen from home M51 and I was disappointed again that is it I packed up at midnight.




Sketch 1.jpg

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I just love triples, at my last session I viewed 3 triples, Iota Cass, Beta Mon and Zeta Cancer Tegmine. I usualy struggle to manually find Tegmine and such was the case this time.  Castor & Pollux point almost directly at it so sweeping the area at low power works best for me.  Cracking sight at high power 👍


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  • 4 weeks later...

Good catch  of Tegmine it is slowly opening.

I caught all 3 at x187 last night. I forgot to try a lower may as it has been a little while since I looked at it and although I know the orbital motion I was surprised how different it looked compared to last time. 

Regions is one of my fav doubles. Hence my avatar :)





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4 hours ago, lunator said:

Good catch  of Tegmine it is slowly opening.

I caught all 3 at x187 last night. I forgot to try a lower may as it has been a little while since I looked at it and although I know the orbital motion I was surprised how different it looked compared to last time. 

Regions is one of my fav doubles. Hence my avatar :)





Just checked the 6th orbit catalogue and themes orbit has it slowly closing again. Only hundredths of an arc second. I hope to try and get a pic of this soon as the last one was10 years ago. 





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On 26/01/2021 at 05:49, NGC 1502 said:

I just love triples, at my last session I viewed 3 triples, Iota Cass, Beta Mon and Zeta Cancer Tegmine. I usualy struggle to manually find Tegmine and such was the case this time.  Castor & Pollux point almost directly at it so sweeping the area at low power works best for me.  Cracking sight at high power 👍


...and of course Castor is itself a triple, one of the most spectacular in some ways.


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  • 1 month later...

In quite perfect conditions (for once!) I set out specifically this evening to try to split the tightest pair of Tegmine, a feat that had thus far eluded me. And I'm thrilled to report success! It took some doing mind you, quite low in my northern sky, about 30 degrees altitude, I started with the Baader zoom down to 8mm (187x) which split the main two components easily enough but no hint of the tight double. Next tried the Morpheus 6.5mm (230x) and could see it was "notched" but not a clean split. Decided still more power was needed so in with the 4mm Vixen SLV (375x) and there it was, a clean split and quite a steady one so no doubt about it.

Definitely one of the more challenging doubles I've tried so pleased as punch to have nabbed it. :) 

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