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Astronomy and ironing vests.


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I checked the weather this morning from my back door, the most local and reliable weather information system in this part of Norfolk, and was pleased to see it was a fairly bright and cloud free sky, if I chose my spot carefully. I quickly decided this would be a good time for taking some Flat frames, to complement the Dark frames already completed on the night the images were taken. So I set up everything and nipped back indoors to get a white vest that is used on cold winter nights to keep me warm and also for making Flat frames. Unfortunately it had become badly creased so I set up the ironing board and switched on the steam iron. I like to place a vest over the scope and stretch it tightly into place with a length of string around the tube and I think it important to remove any heavy creases as they could conceivably create shadows.

It was while I was at the ironing board trying to iron creases out of one side of the vest, while at the same time trying not to introduce creases on the opposite side (this process is close to perpetual motion) that the thought popped into my head that when I embarked on the new and exciting hobby of astronomy all those years ago I could never have foreseen that one day it would involve ironing vests.

Life is so full of surprises.


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27 minutes ago, Moonshed said:

It was while I was at the ironing board trying to iron creases out of one side of the vest, while at the same time trying not to introduce creases on the opposite side (this process is close to perpetual motion)

If there’s one thing the army taught me, it’s how to iron......you need to put the ironing board through the vest so you’re only ironing one piece of material at a time 😀👍

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41 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

Norfolk and good.       🙂

That reminds me. Years ago I took a one week intensive course on how to fly gliders, a hobby I immediately fell in love with. There was only four of us on the course and one night we heard that the local was holding a quiz night so off we went. As is the custom it was necessary to make up a name for your team, one of our guys, I think originally from Norfolk, suggested “Norfolk and chance” I should add this all took place in Scotland, some 10 miles north of Edinburgh.

When the results were read out and our team name mentioned everyone broke out into howls of laughter. Say it aloud, and with a trace of a Scottish accent for even better effect, and you will realise why!

Happy days!

Edited by Moonshed
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19 minutes ago, Jiggy 67 said:

If there’s one thing the army taught me, it’s how to iron......you need to put the ironing board through the vest so you’re only ironing one piece of material at a time 😀👍

When something has been bothering you for ****** years and along comes someone who explains in a few seconds exactly what it is you have been doing wrong for all that time, two conflicting emotions arise. One, anger, Oh for Pete’s sake why on earth didn’t I think of that because it’s so ******obvious! And Two, pleasure, Thank goodness I know how to do it properly now.

Thanks, ex-army guy!

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52 minutes ago, Jiggy 67 said:

If there’s one thing the army taught me, it’s how to iron......you need to put the ironing board through the vest so you’re only ironing one piece of material at a time 😀👍

And there's me deducing long ago that this way of using it is the obvious reason for an ironing board being pointy and narrow ...  not that I've ironed anything apart from some edging strip onto MDF for at least a year . 😀


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3 hours ago, Tiny Clanger said:

And there's me deducing long ago that this way of using it is the obvious reason for an ironing board being pointy and narrow ...  not that I've ironed anything apart from some edging strip onto MDF for at least a year . 😀


It must be great having such a wonderful achievement to look back on with such pride. 

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