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Registax 6 not working


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Hi there,

I have a problem using Registax 6 when it keeps having a blank screen when I start to stack. It keeps saying:           

has anyone got any solutions? This the first time a tried aligning and stacking an image and it happened) 

Any help would be great,



Edited by Spacecake2
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I know it's not the answer you'd like, but registax is, essentially, abandonware.

The last release was on 2011, and a software this old is not really supposed to work on modern operating systems. Plus, there's better alternatives, now.

For my workflow, I use Autostakkert!3 for registering and stacking, and Pixinsight to replace the old Registax "wavelet" processing: I normally use deconvolution (something registax doesn't have), then MultiscaleLinearTransform (which is essentially equivalent to wavelets), then a few more touches here and there (denoise, histogram equalization, etc).


There's probably also free alternatives to pixinsight doing the same things, I haven't investigated so far, but for deconvolution, imppg is a very good choice, for instance.

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Thanks everyone,

Does anyone know how to change a MOV. or MP4 file to an uncompressed AVI. file because a tried using Auto Stackkert3 but I had compressed AVI. video and it didn't allow the file. All the other files it allows are picture files like png and tiff.

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I downloaded:


Extracted to the AS3! folder and made sure the ffmpeg.exe was in the same location as autostakkert.exe

I don't have any mov files but downloaded a sample from the net.....

AS3! opened it OK.....



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19 hours ago, Merlin66 said:

Running out of ideas....

This is my AS3 folder showing the ffmpeg.exe

(this is a C:/ location)



Can you show the contents of the ffmpeg folder? To me it looks like you'll have to copy some folders to the same directory as the executable. 

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Thank you!

It finally worked! I didn't know where the Bin folder was. i copied the three files to the autostackkert fold and deleted the ffmpeg folder and it worked. 😀😁  


Edited by Spacecake2
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  • 1 year later...
On 07/11/2020 at 01:02, Merlin66 said:

When you unzip the download, you get three folders:


The Bin folder holds the ffmpeg.exe - just copy that to the AS3! main folder which has the Autostakkert.exe



Should I download the previous link you sent? (https://ffmpeg.org/), if so which one?
I use Windows


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