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IKO - M17 - Processing Competition


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Excellent data, yet again. Thank you.


Here is my attempt in SHO palette and processed completely in PS CS5.

  1. Initial stretch of each channel with levels and slight curves.
  2. Removed stars from each using Starnet++.
  3. More stretching of each channel using levels and curves.
  4. Removal of some of the larger artifacts in each cannel using Spot Heal Brush.
  5. Brightness & contrast.
  6. Local contrast enhancement (Astronomy Tools plug-in).
  7. Tweak of levels.
  8. Combined each channel in PS.
  9. Selective colour, hue, saturation and vibrance adjustments.
  10. More brightness and contrast followed by levels tweak.
  11. Blurred colour image with small gaussian blur to remove noise.
  12. Created master luminance layer using all three earlier channels to avoid data loss.
  13. Levels, curves, brightness and contrast adjustments.
  14. Small noise reduction.
  15. High pass filter to sharpen.
  16. Stars reintroduced by layering original Ha image.
  17. Luminance combined with earlier colour image and opacity adjusted.
  18. Et voila!!
  19. Or something like that!

Hope you like.



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2 hours ago, Peakedge said:

Excellent data, yet again. Thank you.


Here is my attempt in SHO palette and processed completely in PS CS5.

  1. Initial stretch of each channel with levels and slight curves.
  2. Removed stars from each using Starnet++.
  3. More stretching of each channel using levels and curves.
  4. Removal of some of the larger artifacts in each cannel using Spot Heal Brush.
  5. Brightness & contrast.
  6. Local contrast enhancement (Astronomy Tools plug-in).
  7. Tweak of levels.
  8. Combined each channel in PS.
  9. Selective colour, hue, saturation and vibrance adjustments.
  10. More brightness and contrast followed by levels tweak.
  11. Blurred colour image with small gaussian blur to remove noise.
  12. Created master luminance layer using all three earlier channels to avoid data loss.
  13. Levels, curves, brightness and contrast adjustments.
  14. Small noise reduction.
  15. High pass filter to sharpen.
  16. Stars reintroduced by layering original Ha image.
  17. Luminance combined with earlier colour image and opacity adjusted.
  18. Et voila!!
  19. Or something like that!

Hope you like.



Sorry David, you missed the closing date for this.

Judging will be announced later today 🙂

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