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Water between objective lens

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If you don't do anything about it, it can become bad, I think. That is going to be paradise for fungus. I don't know much about refractors, but imo, you should consider taking the main cell out and slowly dry it in a warm place.

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Daft idea?

If you can remove the objective cell from the main tube you can pop the whole lens and cell into a poly bag of rice.
Dry rice is very absorbent and will help to dry out the lens in a well sealed bag.

Most objectives cells unscrew from the main tube.
I used a rubber strap wrench on my Vixen 90. The cell was incredibly tight!
Two rubber strap wrenches used in opposition would have been far, far better.
I used a Prusik [spelling?] loop and batten to hold the main tube against turning.
You could use two Prusik loops in opposition if you can't find any strap wrenches. [Cheap!]

Use no other tools!

Edited by Rusted
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A year or so ago , after  being caught in a rainstorm, my binoculars looked as bad as that, in spite of my best attempt at protecting them, even water on the prisms, but 3 days in the boiler cupboard in a bag of  rice fixed them.

I hope you have a good result.

Edited by Saganite
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4 minutes ago, Saganite said:

A year or so ago my Binoculars looked as bad as that after  being caught in a rainstorm, in spite of my best attempt at protecting them, even water on the prisms, but 3 days in the boiler cupboard in a bag of  of rice fixed them.

I hope you have a good result.

Top advice here!..this would be the very first approach I'd go with, then if need be steps to separate the lens and fully clean with baader liquid (which contains anti fungus protection)... by the way I have done this before.

good luck.


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I don't think it's as bad as it looks.  Provided that the issue is dealt with promptly by following the rice trick, at worst it may leave some form of light stain.  This should not impact on the performance as much as the likely disturbance of the lenses if the objective is dismantled.  Something to consider if planning to sell it in the future.    🙂

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I've seen hydrogen peroxide suggested for cleaning mould from dismantled lenses.

I wonder whether HP could be infused [in gaseous form] into a still assembled lens if some HP liquid and the lens were sealed into an airtight container?

A light vacuum on one side of the lens assembly, to draw in the HP, might help.



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21 minutes ago, Rusted said:

I've seen hydrogen peroxide suggested for cleaning mould from dismantled lenses.

I wonder whether HP could be infused [in gaseous form] into a still assembled lens if some HP liquid and the lens were sealed into an airtight container?

A light vacuum on one side of the lens assembly, to draw in the HP, might help.



not sure if you evaporate peroxide it'll be much use as it'll likely decompose in the process. If in liquid form it got between the elements you'd likely then need to flush with distilled water afterwards to eliminate any water like marks it may leave behind. I'd stick with the initial try of drying it and see how it looks afterwards and then see if further dismantling would be needed.

Edited by DaveL59
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Just to update and close the thread - did the rice trick (along with silica gel) in a sealed container for a few days. 

As expected there is a slight residual mark, but overall lens looks 100%, and I’ve been using it for imaging and all is fine.


Thanks for all the advice.






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Glad all is ok. I have two silica gel bags taped to the inside of the cap that protects the corrector plate of my MN190. Just to avoid moisture and fungus.

Edited by wimvb
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