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Jupiter with a friend....


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Complete newbie here - saw Jupiter and its 5 moons last night for the first time and was rather pleased with myself.  Checking this morning, I discovered there should only be 4 !! So glad you posted the explanation - thanks !

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Jupiter and it's moons (plus the odd background star) were a lovely arrangement last night. The Great Red Spot was right in the centre of the disk when I observed it as well.

Last night was a classic astronomy night - so many things to see, the hours just slipped by :smiley:


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13 minutes ago, John said:

Jupiter and it's moons (plus the odd background star) were a lovely arrangement last night. The Great Red Spot was right in the centre of the disk when I observed it as well.

Last night was a classic astronomy night - so many things to see, the hours just slipped by :smiley:


I noticed that. I though I'd stumbled across 5 moons at first, or my C8 was badly out of collimation!  Seeing here was superb and whilst I don't normally do much visual I thoroughly enjoyed an hour or so with Jupiter, Saturn and a little sky hop.

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Managed first light with my SW ED72 last night first clear night and same here great view yet could not make out GRS yet could manage the banding, and the moons  using a Vixen LV7mm  mind you a lot of air turbulence then got a good glimpse of Saturn as well

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7 hours ago, John said:

Jupiter and it's moons (plus the odd background star) were a lovely arrangement last night. The Great Red Spot was right in the centre of the disk when I observed it as well.

Last night was a classic astronomy night - so many things to see, the hours just slipped by :smiley:



Took the dog out for her last outing and looked up and rushed home (sorry dog) gotta give the new scope a test drive albeit left it outside for half an hour for a quick glimpse before bedtime lets see if can duplicate tonight so far so good clear skies... no cloud cover here


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Fully agree with all those who posted above. First opportunity to look at Jupiter and Saturn with my new Tak FC100DZ after waiting for a clear night, and knowing how to bring scope to focus....This is my first real post so apologies if it's a little rubbish.

Bset views of these two giants despite low angle and not the best seeing conditions. Amazing, my first good view of the GRS and the Galilean moons, with background accompanying star were like little jewels. Popped over to Saturn and again despite the less than ideal viewing conditions I was extremely  impressed. Cheer everyone.

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8 hours ago, Mariner74 said:

Cheers, even better tonight! A naked-eye comet too and I am very pleased that my second hand WO bino viewer added more value to the new scope. All looking fantastic.

Totally agree, Both Jupiter and Saturn for me where the best ive seen them this year, even with wife was impressed :D. Saturns cassini division was clearly defined for extended periods, as was some of the planets banding.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Clear night tonight and Jupiter rose around 9pm. My 6yo boy was still awake and so he saw Jupiter for the first time with me. Even counted the 4 moons.  Now he wants to be a scientist!

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