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The end of galaxy season for me.  I was able to capture  a pretty decent full data set--green being the lightest at 30 subs--not quite the 4 hours I had planned, but I am up against a coming monsoon like period and then the Moon--As it is it has taken me 2 months to capture what I have.   I've had it!  Looking forward to a faster optic and wider FOV.  One image left before I change  WR-134.  I just can't decide if I should use the reducer or not.  

TOA 130 with ASI 1600

Red: 45 300sec

Green: 30 300 sec

Blue: 48 300 sec

Lum 60 300 sec

Ha: 109 300 sec

I am sure I will be toying with this for some time.  I might even capture more lum. We'll see.


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Here is an unbinned version.  I think the details are much sharper at normal viewinh, but full resolution reveals some errant processing. I guess the question is, how many folks use full resolution viewing?


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Well--I did it again.....over [processed.  I feel like Charlie Brown when Lucy pulls the football away and I land on my back.....every time!.  Here is a less processed version





Edited by Rodd
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3 minutes ago, carastro said:

Aha, finally I managed to zoom in, I have to wait ages for this to work in SGL.  The Ha areas show up really well, what method do you use the bled in the Ha.


Thanks Carol.  The first few in ages were binned in software 2x2 so their zoom in size is restricted.  The last image is unbinned and i think a bit sharper....once I reprocessed it.  I over did things a bit before.  Regarding the Ha.  I basically follow the Light Vortex tutorial.  I remove the red continuum from the Ha channel using Pixel Math and an extracted red channel from the RGB image.  Then I create a mask from this Ha cleaned image and place it over the RGB image.  then I insert the Ha (everything in linear state still).  The Ha only appears where there is Ha nebula.  If you dont remove the red continuum you get a red hue in places where there is no Ha.  I do the same to the luminance master as well--but only a little bit of Ha. Anyway2--its a bit involved.  PM me if you would like me to give you more details

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I wish I could delete the above and start again--I realized I could not fix the issues and reprocessed.   Ha was strangely scant for 9 hours of data, and I did not control the deconvolution process well enough.  Now at least I don't grimace when viewing at full resolution


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Much better, Rodd.

I always view images in hi-res if possible, as this is how the poster intends them to be viewed in my opinion.  I like the additional detail which is there in hi-res versions too.

Last rendition is much better.  Seems to be much more subtle and not sharpened as much.

All good images, but last one, for me, is noticeably better.

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I am looking at the images I posted on another screen and they all look exceedingly bright and washed out.  Is this they way they look?  My processing screen at home may be set differently.  The images on that screen look just right.  But on other screens they look terrible.  Let me know if they look overly bright to you.....anyone.  Please



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15 minutes ago, tomato said:

I’m viewing them on a small IPad, the brightness looks fine. They are all great images, but the most recent is the best one I think, really enhanced by the Ha regions.

Thanks T.  I must have a problem with my iPhone.  It usually depicts images very well.  I have noticed the battery is starting to drain very quickly 

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Well--I am finally done (thankfully and I hope).  I have been trying to eek out as much detail as possible in the image.  All in all, a 5: refractor is not a bad choice for this galaxy.  Here is the final image--cropped to showcase galaxy. 


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