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A Few Galaxies- Despite The Glare!


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8.55pm Friday, still, mild, and clear – 8SE ready – Procyon had just come into view.  30 minutes later, more stars were out, so I aligned on Castor and Regulus.  To warm up, I sent the ‘scope to M44 Beehive Cluster – spot on, beautiful.

Thought I’d try for some hitherto unseen Virgo galaxies in Messier’s Catalogue – just never got round to them!  I wasn’t too hopeful however, since – as well as a strong and permanent security light 100m away - a close neighbour had a spotlight on his garden plus a loft extension with lights blazing and no curtains drawn.  Grrr.  Anyway….

M87 (Virgo A) 8th mag elliptical galaxy – seemed feasible – spotted a very small, faint patch at x56, 85.  No better x102.  Not a bad start, and not even 10pm!

M89 9th mag elliptical galaxy – a small faint patch, which seemed to have a slightly brighter centre, x56.  Clearer x85.  At x102, the brighter centre was very distinct.

M90 9th mag spiral galaxy – unsure, at x56, although the location was right.  But at x85, 102 I definitely saw a fuzzy spot.

(I tried for M99 and M100 in Coma B. – location correct, early as well as later in the session, but nothing using x56 to x102.  Beaten by the lights.  I’ll try again with the 10” Dob.)

Decided to end with a couple of globs I’ve already seen –

M53 Coma Berenices – GoTo spot on as usual – easily seen as a large patch, close to a helpful pair of stars to the south.  No better as mag increased to x203.  However….

M3 Canes Venatici – bang on – a few stars were resolved at x102, better x145, but by x203 the cluster took on a shape and a great many stars were distinguishable.  Lovely!  (Any higher and seeing ruined the view.)

Although I don’t set myself targets (i.e. quantities), for the record my M-count has now increased to 75; galaxy count to 43.

Two hours 20 mins – a good session, which – in spite of the lights issues – I eventually got immersed in. 

Thanks for reading.  Doug.


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Nice session Doug.

I managed a  look at M53 last night, much lower power of course (st80 x26) and got Glob 5053 in the same FOV - well worth a look - but you just may need something a little smaller than the 8se..😁

Clear skies


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2 hours ago, mdstuart said:

Great report. If you like globulars have a look at M5 when you can as it's lovely.


Thanks Mark.  Yes, M5 is a beauty in its class.  I've tended to go for clusters and doubles because of local light pollution, but I do enjoy bagging the odd galaxy and nebula.  Might take me a while to reach your galaxy count however!  😉


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21 minutes ago, mark81 said:

Nice session Doug.

I managed a  look at M53 last night, much lower power of course (st80 x26) and got Glob 5053 in the same FOV - well worth a look - but you just may need something a little smaller than the 8se..😁

Clear skies


Thanks Mark - yeah, that's the problem with these huge focus Cats: limited FOV, although GoTo and tracking make up for it!  Anyway, I'm awaiting delivery of a nice short focus frac - something between the ED80 and the AR 127L.  Report to follow.


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33 minutes ago, mark81 said:

Nice session Doug.

I managed a  look at M53 last night, much lower power of course (st80 x26) and got Glob 5053 in the same FOV - well worth a look - but you just may need something a little smaller than the 8se..😁

Clear skies


NGC 5053 is a really challenging object - you did really well to see anything of it with your ST80. My 12 inch dob struggles to show much with that one.

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21 minutes ago, John said:

NGC 5053 is a really challenging object - you did really well to see anything of it with your ST80. My 12 inch dob struggles to show much with that one.

It's either the wonderful dark skies of rural North Norfolk or a mistake.  I'll have another look next time I'm out - and also check if there's nothing else nearby ...

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