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So after much research I’ve narrowed my choice to the Nexstar 6SE or 8SE The Mrs has sanctioned my spend ! 😂

i know the 8 is more light gathering etc etc

but ....is the 8SE too heavy on the SE mount and wobbly ..it’s been suggested to me the 6SE is the best most solid choice ! Any views on this folks ?? 

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I've had the 8 SE for several years.  The weight is at the limit for the mount, no doubt about that but I have managed for visual and video use with little problem even at high magnifications.  You just need to be gentle with it and this takes practice.  For me, the extra performance over the smaller versions outweighs slight compromises.     😀

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Thanks Peter .. I’ve read quite a bit on this and it’s very much a 50/50 argument in that the 78% light gathering advantage of the 8SE is a plus but it’s easily wobbled at the slightest touch and it’s a shame Celestron have over loaded the expensive set up that it is with an under performing mount 

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I used an 8SE for several years. The best accessory are the vibration dampening pads to put under the legs, particularly on hard surfaces but also on grass if it's soft, gets rid of the vibrations on hard surface and stops the legs sinking into the grass. Also withstands the odd kick without losing alignment!

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The 8SE is OK. Yes the OTA is at the limit of what the mount can carry but still usable. Biggest improvement was fitting a FeatherTouch microfocuser that replaces the stock focus knob. When using it to fine focus the scope didn’t wobble at all. Downside is that the microfocuser is now silly money.

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This is the problem with scope choosing isn't it - you stretch your budget to get the next step up and then find that yet another step up is also now, almost, within reach :rolleyes2:


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Yes, as usual it's a case of YMMV.  Celestron, like many manufacturers, will do their best to maximise their range at minimum cost, that the SE mount was good enough to carry the 8" OTA adequately to suit most purchasers who would not have bought it for astrophotography in the first instance.  They have other models specifically for that, at higher cost.  My 8 SE, albeit based in Tenerife, has given me some of the best lunar and planetary images I've seen with any telescope in the UK at magnifications up to 600x, I would be loathe to lose that level of performance by reducing to a 6".  Once the telescope is focused, the tricky part, there is no need to keep touching it, it drives well and corrections are made with the handset.  Not trying to sell you one, just relating my experience.      😇         

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A CPC800  would be something to consider. Bit of a big and heavy mount but rock solid. No worrys with wobbling or vibration and can be picked up second hand a a good price. Something I would go for over the 8SE although you loose portability.

the 6SE will be a good choice which I’m sure you will be happy with.

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Limited experience with mounts but mentors told me to get one over capacity to the scope used -thanks @Stu

This can get expensive and my longish refractor sure enjoys this mount.-AZ EQ6

Actually this mount is almost as stable as my dobson.....stability is of paramount importance IMHO. Thanks to @Moonshane for nudging me in the direction of dobsonians.

Edited by jetstream
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15 minutes ago, Beardy30 said:

 the 8se and 6se come with a 25mm EP ..should I get an extra one to get the best form either scope ? 

You are going to need 3 or 4 eyepieces to get the best from a scope. The 25mm is a low(ish) power eyepiece. Something around 15mm and also 10mm or 8mm will be very useful indeed.

The BST Starguiders are well thought of for £50 apiece. Decent plossls would also be OK and can be had for around £30 each.


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2 minutes ago, Beardy30 said:

Any party sizes ?? Recommend 

I've added some to my post above.

Eyepiece choice can be even more complicated than scope choice !

You might want to start a new topic on this.

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I have the 8se and it's a great scope, yes the mount can be a bit wobbly whilst you focus. I solved this with a diy electric focus adjuster which I cobbled together for about £30. From a bortle 5/6 site I have have seen both M81/82 galaxies and the orion nebula. I have even managed to take some images through it with an attachment for my m4/3 olympus camera.

Electric focus diy hack


Bodes galaxy using 8se + stock mount. 200ish exposures of 15 secs.


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