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NGC 3344 (Sliced Onion Galaxy) - LRGB


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Because of the current situation, I have, as many of you guys probably have too, spend a lot more time under the stars when possible.

It has literally been over a year since last I was out doing some astrophotography because of work.

So here is my second take after the long break, NGC 3344 (The Sliced Onion Galaxy).

Initially I thought it would be a lot fainter than it was, so it was basically a shot in the dark, of just trying to get back at doing this.

But the final image actually showed a lot more detail than I would've hoped for!

Spring lent a lot of clear night, but those seems to be gone already. I would've hoped for a few more hours to add some more luminance data to it, as I did have to push it quite a bit.
I am not too happy with the shape of the stars either. Guiding was not very stable through the night, even though balance and polar alignment seemed to be good. Might need to update my Celestron PEC data? 

Any advice or feedback is very welcome! 🤩

NGC 3344 (Sliced Onion Galaxy)
Luminance - 13x16 min
RGB - 2x16 min each
Flat and Dark calibrated
Gain 111
Offset 40
Total Integration - 5 Hours 4 minutes  (LRGB)
Gear Used:
Skywatcher 150PDS
Celestron AVX Mount
Baader 2'' Neodymium Filter
Baader 1,25'' RGB Filters

Explore Scientific Coma Corrector
ToupTek Camera G-1200-KMB Mono Guider
Orion Mini 50mm Guidescope

Photoshop CS2
Deep Sky Stacker
Stellarium/Stellarium Scope


Edited by The-MathMog
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I'm currently working on this target with my Edge HD scope and strangely enough I also have slanted stars. 

I would try rotating the camera to determine if it's scope/ camera issue. Mine is likely the collimation of the scope although it could be vibration.

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