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Hello all!!!

My name is Filip Colakovic(????? ?????????),I am from Belgrade,Serbia and I am intrested in astronomy for very long time.Also,I am a member of National observatory and of Astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic"(www.adrb.org),

(I hope that my english is not bad) :(

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Thank you all...

I have some small refracktor at home,I dont use it at all,because I use the telescopes from society:Zeiss (110/2050mm) Tall 200 K (200/2000 mm) and Meade 200/1200 these telescopes I use the most,ofcore there are a lot of other telescopes wich are placed all over the county(far a way from the Belgrade),and I dont have the time to play with these teleskopes because i have to travel if I want to use them...

I wisch you all a nice hollidays and Christmas too.

dark skies icon_santa.gif


Svima srecni novogodisnji i bozicni praznici!!!icon_santa.gif

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Welcome to the forum Cola (looking at the Cyrillic version of your name I guess that should be "?ola" pronounced "Chola" am I right? Better than sounding like a fizzy drink!) Good to see someone from further afield and with a different aspect of the sky than most of us! I hope the weather is being kinder to you than us!

Can't reply to your Christmas/New Year greeting (I'm guessing that's what it is) in Serbian but we all wish you a good one too, in any language!

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Welcome to the forum Cola (looking at the Cyrillic version of your name I guess that should be "?ola" pronounced "Chola" am I right? Better than sounding like a fizzy drink!)

Yes,you are right,but now is to late :(

Weather is bad,clouds,clouds,rain,snow and its vrealy wind...And its going from bad to worse ...

I hope that weather will get beather,soon

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