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Star Field Reduction

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Has anyone got any good guides or plug-ins for reducing the number of stars in a star field using PS? I imaged the Rosette Nebula the other night but find the number of stars distracting from the Nebula. 



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At the extreme you can remove the stars completely using the Windows release of Starnet++; it works standalone or as a Process in PixInsight (if you have it) - it's free to download.

I use Annie's Astro Actions to (a) reduce stars in a PS image or (b) to remove them completely - costs about £15.



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With starnet you can remove the stars from the image and the paste them back in from a less stretched copy. This will allow you to deemphasize stars as much as you like. 

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Both Starnet and Annies Actions are very good; Starnet to remove stars so the you can stretch an image without blowing them out, and Annies actions to reduce them. Starnet is free and standalone, and Annies Actions for PS. Both are an integral part of my processing.



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Once you've removed stars you can paste the linear image on top of the starless stretched one in Ps Blend Mode Lighten. Initialy it will be invisible. You can then stretch the top layer and the stars will begin to appear. Stop stretching at any point you like.


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Just be aware that with Annie's Actions and other star shrinking PS plug ins (Like RC-Astro Star Shrink or Astronomy Tools), you risk introducing odd looking artifcts especially for stars close together. You can run Annie's star reductions several times but zoom in and pixel-peep to check. Where it looks too odd you can add a layer mask to the action and use the brush tool to remove the bad ones.

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