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Which should i buy? Sky Guider Pro vs skywatcher star adventurer pro


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Hi All, i am looking for my first astrophotography rig and i have limited it down to the two trackers. I know these can only take a limited payload and are there not good value for money in terms of upgrading to a bigger telescope later. But, i really want something portable, quick, and easy to get started. I currently have a 12 inch dob so i really want at least something other than my binoculars that is much easier to get outside quickly when the clouds break. 


I will also be buying the z61 william optics telescope (yet to buy) as i feel this is a good scope for these type of mounts from what i have read. 

Therefore, here is my question. Which moint should i get? I know they essentially do the same thing but there is some differences including price. I believe the skyguider pro is much more exspensive given from what i hear the vixen wedge would also be needes at a much greater cost that what is provided. Also, the star adventurer does not have a built in battery but instead uses AA's or i hear sometimes people use a power pack. As a result, it appears that the sky guider pro works out much more exspensive when all is said and done. However, is the skyguider pro worth the extra money with the wedge or is the star adventurer the better option? Any tips, advice, or first hand experience welcome :) kind Regards Gary

Edited by Glambert
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I have been using the Skyguider Pro for about a year and really like it. In my opinion, there is no need to buy an overpriced wedge in order to get good results with this mount.

While the stock wedge could definitely use some refinement, I've been able to get good polar alignment by loosening the locks just enough to turn the adjustment screws and still feel some resistance. After that, I don't touch the locks. In fact, the only time I touch the locks is if the temperature has changed significantly from the previous night  causing the locks to become loose or tight.

At the focal length that these mounts are designed to operate, you don't really need perfect polar alignment. Get whichever one suits you and get out and take some pictures.

For reference, I usually shoot at 300-400mm with 3 minute exposures. I'm pretty sure I could expose longer if my skies permitted.

Clear skies!

Edited by NGC 2419
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry , i'm a bit late to this discussion but i've just purchased a star adventure .. i too was debating whether to go for the sky guider pro .. in the end , as this is my first tracker , i went for the less expensive option . I did watch loads of you tube vids on these trackers and to be honest there were very few differences between the 2 trackers . i liked the look of the skyguider better .. it also had a built in polar scope light .. but i heard not such good reports regarding the wedge . The star adventurer had the best wedge , and had a few more tracking speeds too. It was also £115 less !! thats a fair bit of dosh when you consider these trackers are basically doing the same thing ! I had to buy the star adventurer on its own , the pro pack had sold out everywhere (ANNOYED) ..but i did have the L Bracket already so i ended up purchasing the unit , wedge and counter weight ! the unit came with a polar scope light ( JUNK) and a ball head adapter . I purchased a GEEKOTO tripod from amazon for £65 .. it came with a ball head and it seems fine . I bought the aluminium rather than the carbon fibre (CHEEP SKATE) . So i set everything up ...in the lounge and was looking forward to taking advantage of the glorious weather we've been having in the south of the country... its at this point i wish to apologise for the cloud and rain which has now decided to turn up ! Of course its the usual pattern that if you buy any astronomy equipment you also seem to get a subscription for cloud and rain !!! 

Anyway , i am looking forward to using my new gear asap . I just wanted to share my enthusiasm with you on purchasing some more astro photography stuff . I wish you Clear Skies .

On 29/01/2020 at 08:55, happy-kat said:


Are you looking to just be imaging with these mounts as it's not clear if you are expecting to observe with them?


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  • 1 month later...
On 29/01/2020 at 08:55, happy-kat said:


Are you looking to just be imaging with these mounts as it's not clear if you are expecting to observe with them?

Hi i am looking for a setup for AP only as i have a 12 inch dob that i use for observing which is also a reason as to why i want a lightweight setup for AP as getting the massive Dob out each night can be a pain haha. I have not yet made the purchase but i was considering saving a little more for the EQM 35 Pro mount as this offers bigger capacity for a larger scope and allows for a lightweight setup so therefore i future proof myself and also have a relatively light weight set up. I was also going to but the z61 for the sky trackers but if i go for the EQM 35 pro mount I'm thinking i will buy the evostar 80ed pro scope instead as this scope allows me still have a good focal length for beginners but much better focal length when i get my head around everything. I may still get the z61 though so i can use the eqm35 pros lightweight mode which is what i did set out to do in the first place! It is so hard to decide what to start with lol. All i know is this will be my only purchase for a long time in AP as i am having a baby at the end of the year so this is a last luxury purchase for myself which is why i think the Eqm35 pro is the option for me to future proof myself just can't decide on the scope now!

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I am using the SA Pro with a Monfrotto 055 tripod. I am terrible at this hobby so I don't have any pretty images yet. I have on several occasions aligned to a star other than Polaris. I'm pretty sure that's a reflection of my inexperience rather than the SA.  I have 3 complaints with the SA. As someone already mentioned the polar scope light is a clear afterthought. It's flimsy and cheap. Hard to believe someone at sky watcher thought it was acceptable. The adjustment knobs require you keep a hex key handy. Why not make these thumb screws? Finally there is too much give in the adjustment knobs (going from moving one way to the other requires going through some slop).

If feels really well built. Other than a wee bit of give in the dec axis, it is very sturdy.  For what it's worth, if I had to make the decision again, today, I would have made the same one. I have learned a lot with the SA and will continue to learn a lot until my wife lets me buy a proper mount :).

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