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To EQ or AZ

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After doing some research. Celestron Scopes are easily available within Brazil. 

But to get EQ or  not? I understand the concept. Set up does seem a little daunting but possible.  The picture is my current house also have a small area  at the back. I'm just not sure if EQ mounts would be worth it as I don't have the best line of sight, and would have a few hours suitable for tracking. 

Would EQ  still be worth it. 


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You look to have quite a decent area of sky available. Do you intend to try deep sky AstroPhotograhy, or do you want o observe? An EQ is pretty much mandatory for AP but an AltAz is more convenient for observing.

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I use az mounts if it's just a fast 5 min to 10 min viewing, or looking at land viewing.

EQ may be abit harder to a new person but once u learn it's not hard at all. If u want to push the power up to 150x to 250 power I would also get eq. With a eq mount u can buy those simple ra drive so it can auto track which is handy. They are not expensive $50

Manual tracking is easier to on EQ mount just polar align doesnt have to be perfect or even if u cant see Polaris just point north and u just track mostly on one axis .so it's less work to keep object in ep.


Edited by joe aguiar
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Hard to argue with what has already been posted, other than to say that AZ is without a doubt easier, if just observing, but not very good for imaging obviously. Of course you have the option of a mount that can do both, if you have the budget and the availability, such as this from the UK and FLO

They do send all around the world too, so could be worth looking at. :smiley:

Edit: Welcome to the forum too! :grin:

Edited by Greymouser
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1 hour ago, banjaxed said:

You can track with an AZ Mount but not for as long as an EQ.

Actually my iOptron AZPro tracks equally as well as my EQ5 and will keep a target dead centre for hours on end.  I think what you mean is that AltAz is only suitable for short exposures when imaging as the field of view rotates. 

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34 minutes ago, AdeKing said:

Actually my iOptron AZPro tracks equally as well as my EQ5 and will keep a target dead centre for hours on end.  I think what you mean is that AltAz is only suitable for short exposures when imaging as the field of view rotates. 

Thanks Ade, that is exactly what I meant to say  👌

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10 hours ago, Louis D said:

@TioRi Why don't you list some of the Celestron scopes you're interested in so we can give you more targeted feedback?

Hi everyone n thnx. 


I am not keen on importing as shipping can get costly $150 from B & H plus there would be a large customs charge. 

Some have said an EQ mount could cause issues at 22 latitude 


Here is what I've been looking at,  or been Suggested. 






Edited by TioRi
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Those alt-az mounts are pretty horrendous.  I'll parrot the usual advice on here.  Get the 8" Dob if your budget will stretch and you have the room to store it and ability to carry it out (it does break down into two manageable pieces).  This would be a case of buy it once.  Many folks are contented with a lifetime of viewing through such a scope.


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1 hour ago, Louis D said:

Those alt-az mounts are pretty horrendous.  I'll parrot the usual advice on here.  Get the 8" Dob if your budget will stretch and you have the room to store it and ability to carry it out (it does break down into two manageable pieces).  This would be a case of buy it once.  Many folks are contented with a lifetime of viewing through such a scope.


Bit out out my price range

11 hours ago, Louis D said:

@TioRi Why don't you list some of the Celestron scopes you're interested in so we can give you more targeted feedback?

Hi everyone n thnx. 


I am not keen on importing as shipping can get costly $150 from B & H plus there would be a large customs charge. 

Some have said an EQ mount could cause issues at 22 latitude 


Here is what I've been looking at,  or been Sugested

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I found what appears to be a nice used 8" Dob in Cotia outside Sao Paolo.  Perhaps you could meet the seller half way near Lorena to personally inspect the scope, avoid shipping costs, and get a quick lesson on how to use it.

I was hoping someone would be selling a nice alt-az scope such as the Sky-Watcher Explorer-130PS AZ5 Deluxe at FLO, but I couldn't locate any sellers in Brazil.spacer.png

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