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Fish Head Nebula


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TOA 130 with ASI 1600 and Astrodon 3nm Filters.  

Ha: 191 300 sec

SII: 159 300 sec

OIII" 60 300 sec

I probably could use more OIII subs, but 34 hours should be enough.  Besides, the sky is just awful--even when its clear ait isn't.  I Had high hopes for this image when I started it, months ago, when the Moon was up during data collection for IC-342.  Now I just feel....."eh".  Its a bit lackluster.   Not as sharp as I expected.  Maybe more blue subs would help--but 5 hours should be sufficient.  Anyway--I decided to shoot this target to compare against my FSQ 106 aggressive crop of the same target.  So far, when ever I use the TOA to capture a FOV equal to the FOV of an FSQ 106 crop, the TOA image is better--but I am not so sure this time.  Maybe I am just tired of looking at it.  





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2 hours ago, geeklee said:

Well, as a novice and someone who loves that palette, I think it's superb.  Chasing 34 hours of integration over month(s) is admirable 👍

Thanks geekier. I suppose it does show a certain dedication.  Then again, that is countered by my decision to use questionable data after all that time.  I only have so much patience!

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6 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

Lovely image with some great detail! Interesting that you took such relatively short exposures but lots of them too - the difference between CMOS and CCD coming into play.

Thanks Steve!  Yes, that's the CMOS way.  300 sec is not too bad--I have gotten used to it.  Any shorter though and the drawbacks start to pile up (eats up disc space, dithering adds a lot of time, etc).  I still find it amazing that 5 min can capture so much narrow band data though.


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6 hours ago, Nikolas74 said:

Very nice result....i see that you spend a lot of time...how many nights ? 

Merry Christmas !!!

Thanks Nikolas!  Merry Christmas to you as well.  Lets see, probably about 10 nights of imaging , including nights that yielded no usable dat, and 2 months waiting for the weather and Moon to cooperate.  

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6 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

This is the first time I noticed the depth to the FishHead Nebula.  I never was a huge fan before but this image is next level depth.  As for sharpness, I think it's the right amount

Thanks Doc.  I was never a big fan either to tell the truth.  I cropped out the fish head from my widefield shot of the Heart and it yielded an OK image.  I was curious whether a 1 inch bigger scope and longer focal length would yield a superior image at native FOV.  I have found that it usually does.


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4 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

Another wonderful image of a sight I'll probably never see on my own.

Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks Maw lod qan!  Not sure how visible this target is to tell the truth (my eyepieces left me out of neglect)--I bet it is visible through one of those nigt vision oculars (can't recall the name...assissted something or other).


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