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Bit of advice please.

alan potts

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This is 3 hours of 4 minute subs on M33, you know this.  I am getting a darker area to the left hand side most of the time no matter what I shoot. I tend to collect 10-15 subs per night on a target and move on, this is from a few nights and some of the subs will have been taken when the the camera was in or could have been in a slightly different position as I took it off to clean the bunnies out. Is this causing the issue or something else, I have checked the camera is not at an angle and though not perfect stars are pretty round, misshape caused by lower down guiding. I have not spent much time processing so I know it can be better.



Is this just a gradient of a different nature, if so I must get some software soon.


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Thanks all of you I did wonder, some images don't have it but are in different areas of the sky. The problem only seems to be visible after 3-4 stretches, I have even check image both sides with the appropriate tool and can't see anything in the data but after a couple more stretches is comes out, I have manage to hide it a fair bit in most images. I thought iI was doing something wrong, I think after I come out of hospital i will get something like, Astro Flat which Steve uses, and there isn't much wrong with his images.


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13 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

Yep looks like a sky gradient..  very minor though (he says jealously).. Here it is after a quick gradient removal (Dynamic Background Extraction DBE)  in PI..







I am assuming PI is Pixs insight, where do you buy this if I wanted it, I see FLO only have Astro Art, looks half decent now you have done that, I feel it could stretch more than I have done.


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What do you normally use for processing Alan?  

If you use Photoshop Gradient Exterminator is a plugin which is not free, but a lot cheaper than buying Pixinsight.  Also Pixinsight is not exactly user intuitive.

I get gradients all the time and use GE in most images.  I think it depends on the Moon, and whether there is any distant or local LP which may not be obvious to you when imaging.  


Edited by carastro
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3 hours ago, carastro said:

What do you normally use for processing Alan?  

If you use Photoshop Gradient Exterminator is a plugin which is not free, but a lot cheaper than buying Pixinsight.  Also Pixinsight is not exactly user intuitive.

I get gradients all the time and use GE in most images.  I think it depends on the Moon, and whether there is any distant or local LP which may not be obvious to you when imaging.  


I use PS CC and have no plug-ins. Astro Flat I have been told is good too. I don't really have any LP Carole apart from to the SE with could affect this shot. I see nothing in the image at all until about the 4th stretch. I have even use tools in PS to measure each side and the differences is 1-2 in RGB using PS and this I would have thought was normal but after this 4th or 5th stretch the differences can be 20 and I just struggle to see this is SKY over just over 1.4 degrees from side to side, it is not the Moon that I am sure of.

I have just done this stretch and level adjust 4 times, cropped edges out to start, now you see it clearer. The 1-3 stretch saw nothing, it looked flat.




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2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

If you have P'Shop there's a YT video by Doug German showing a gradient removal process which works with a bit of experimenting particularly on galaxies in a no t too dense starfield.


I know this technique well but it is no good on say the Sole Neb, I have used it many times on Globs and clusters, not tried Galaxies though.


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3 minutes ago, alan potts said:

I know this technique well but it is no good on say the Sole Neb, I have used it many times on Globs and clusters, not tried Galaxies though.


Doesn't work on big nebulae or dense star fields, should work on your M33 ok.


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9 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Have you compared it to other M33 images ? there may actually be a difference in sky brightness, some of that IFN stuff they talk about, never managed to capture any from S London though 😂


Too red and too linear to be IFN - classical LP gradient

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I just ran your image through Gradient Exterminator and there is definitely a gradient there.




AFTER Gradient Exterminator


Alan SGL AFTER.png

Getting rid of the gradient allows you to further stretch your image. 

This is a further stretch and an increase in the colour.



Alan SGL AFTER match col and stretch.png

You've got some nice data there by the way.


Edited by carastro
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This background does have quite a gradient to it and this is simply caused by light pollution. I use PhotoShop for most of my image processing and when I get a gradient like this, I use a plug-in called AstroFlat Pro which was written by Noel Carboni to correct it. I have applied this plug-in to your image and this is the result with a slight tweak to levels:-


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Well thank

38 minutes ago, carastro said:

I just ran your image through Gradient Exterminator and there is definitely a gradient there.




AFTER Gradient Exterminator


Alan SGL AFTER.png

Getting rid of the gradient allows you to further stretch your image. 

This is a further stretch and an increase in the colour.



Alan SGL AFTER match col and stretch.png

You've got some nice data there by the way.


Thank-you Carole, this I guess is the only part of my sky where there is a touch of LP, believe me you would kill for sky like mine. It was much better over to the SE area where there is a town Sevlievo about 4 miles away. They changed the lights about 3 years back to these LED type, before this there realy wasn one, even now I can see a 4th mag star in this so called LP, but the targets I have been on lately are over that way.


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12 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

This background does have quite a gradient to it and this is simply caused by light pollution. I use PhotoShop for most of my image processing and when I get a gradient like this, I use a plug-in called AstroFlat Pro which was written by Noel Carboni to correct it. I have applied this plug-in to your image and this is the result with a slight tweak to levels:-


Thanks Steve, I can see I will have to get this. I don't have very much LP at all this is why I find it so difficult to understand, the only area where I have any is to the SE and this is in the East. I imagine the low down glow from the Town's LED lights must extend higher than I thought. When I shoot to the West as I have just checked, there is not the same effect, though this was based on only two targets..


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2 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

Just for comparison, Alan, here is the image that I produced using PixInsight and its Dynamic Background extraction process with no tweaks to the levels. On this occasion, I prefer the PS version to the PI version:-


I use PS CC, and I will get this plug-in, I have actions though I do not use, think I may well add another hour tonight as this weather just keeps on, they say snow next week, it's 28 outside.


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