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Looks Good For Later!


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Just set up my camping tarp to block out the worst street lamp in my front garden, and forecast saying going to be clearing later on, so plan on sticking the 10” newt out on the Skytee2 to cool down after about 9pm or so. Fingers crossed it actually clears up! 🤞🏻

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Just popped out the Startravel to try the semi-apo filter on Saturn. Lovely clear dusk skies and the filter worked very well. Less of a halo and blurring. Things are looking good for later, the Dob is gonna be out! 🧐


And I can now see west. My two 40ft Leylandii were chopped down today woo!


Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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9.45pm - had about 1.5 hours, fancy a coffee and a warm - but seen several nice targets, and it's all still clear!

Good luck everyone!



Easy targets, but nice: Jupiter, Saturn plus a clear Titan, a matched double in Aquila, 2.5" (Sigma 2644), and three globs (M15, M71, C47).

Edited by cloudsweeper
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A very pleasant couple of hours just sweeping around looking at favourite targets. Lots of mist and thin cloud creating major light domes from nearby towns, so only the easy stuff.

First view of the Pleiades and M31 this season! Always nice to remake their acquaintance.

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Well, life got in the way, but I managed to get out just after 23:00, so out came the ST120 for a quick session.

I was horrified by how much light my old trees had shielded me from. The garden was bathed in light from a single LED street lamp approx. 30m away! My astronomy is ruined in the short term. Just ridiculous. I've already written to the council...




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