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From 4.50 to 5.15.  Really torrential rain. close deafening lightening strikes. Strong gusts of wind and our tent bowing in and out, once sending items tumbling from a shelf.  Now water laying all over the place.  Here's hoping everyone's tents are still intact.  Now only rain and Sun breaking out.

Oops, just found water has come onto the tent, got to go and clear up Now!

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We had the electrical storm directly overhead in Lowestoft. A second after a tremendous lightning flash the Sun from the West created a wonderfully bright rainbow in contrast with the black 'back-lit' clouds in the East. Spectacular! I do hope you are all safe in your tents at Kelling?

best regards George

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30 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

Yeah, we had heavy rain and thunder here too in Hull Earlier on. That load it woke me up from a smooze. Glad I’m not in a tent. Hope you didn’t get too much water intake! 

Yeah I seen it over the downs when I crossed the Bridge at about 4PM.

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Many thanks for your good wishes everyone.  We had to mop up quite a bit of water which came in after the storm finished.  Managed to keep it out of the sleeping areas though.  By 7.30pm we were out observing Jupiter and Saturn and have only just come in.  Amazingly we've had four successive evening sessions.  Despite the fact we've had the worse weather I've seen At Kelling everything except snow!  

Great observing though, and I'll be back next year for Mars 😀


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