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Calling all Mesu users; advice needed


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Hi Folks, 

Thanks for reading. 

I am upgrading my mount for my observatory. I will be doing AP primarily but to be honest,  I also enjoy some visual.  I need about 30-40kg capacity. I had my heart set on the ridiculously expensive 10 Micron 2000 (coming in a about 12k when you figure all the extras needed). Something seemed wrong about that price....!

I now have an opportunity to get a Mesu 200 Mark II. The mounts engineering looks unquestionable and I have yet to hear anything bad said about these mounts. The price is also very attractive compared to the 10 Micron. My issue is the control. I’m going to be honest - the controller looks rudimentary (and with no screen, controlling from the computer for visual may be annoying). I have no knowledge of Sidereal technology at all. I am very close to purchasing this mount but I would like some feedback on user experience regarding the software and control of the mount. I note the new version will have the Scitech I controller but I thought (perhaps incorrectly that the older version has the II controller). I am not sure if this is significant or not. 

Opinions and feedback greatly appreciated. 


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1 minute ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

That's a silly question, go for it, IF there are any limitations with its control, come back here & I'm sure other members will put you right......

Not a silly question at all...

Simply a query; research and user experience are two different things. My research tells me this mount is superb but I’d like to hear about user experience with the software 

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I suspect the Mk II Mesu has the Sitech 1 fitted on cost grounds. The Sitech 2 controller is very powerful and there are a host of posts and useful guides on this forum on how to set this up with the Mesu. I confess I know very little about the Sitech 1, I presume Lucas will offer a quick set up guide with the mount as he did with the Mesu Mk I, also please check out the Sitech Users group on Yahoo, there are an awful lot of knowledgable and helpful Sitech users on there (including the guys who run Sidereal Technology) who will be glad to answer your queries.

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You should consider the Sitech more as a mount controller than a GOTO system.  You are correct in that is doesn't provide a hand controller option where you can slew to 'XX' target and you would need a computer for this (not sure whether it has wifi so you can run from an ipad etc).  In fact on the old site they recommended the Argo Navis system (of which I have no knowledge).  So if you want to have a local hand pad you need to factor this cost in (it's not excessive especially when you are looking at the 10Micron!).  

One thing to note is I can't see an autoguide input on the Sitech I just an Aux and RS232 port.  Might be worth checking.  Realistically the cost of the difference between the Sitech 1 and Sitech II is negligible compared to savings against the 10Micron so you might as ask whether it is an upgrade option? 

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5 hours ago, Whirlwind said:

You should consider the Sitech more as a mount controller than a GOTO system.  You are correct in that is doesn't provide a hand controller option where you can slew to 'XX' target and you would need a computer for this (not sure whether it has wifi so you can run from an ipad etc).  In fact on the old site they recommended the Argo Navis system (of which I have no knowledge).  So if you want to have a local hand pad you need to factor this cost in (it's not excessive especially when you are looking at the 10Micron!).  

One thing to note is I can't see an autoguide input on the Sitech I just an Aux and RS232 port.  Might be worth checking.  Realistically the cost of the difference between the Sitech 1 and Sitech II is negligible compared to savings against the 10Micron so you might as ask whether it is an upgrade option? 

If the ArgoNavis handset is compatible with the SiTech One (I don't know anything about this) then I'd have thought that would be great. I use the ArgoNavis with Stellarcat drives on my Mesus. It is a simple and effective handset which does everything I could ask of it. After a one star alignment it is on target all over the sky and if an object isn't on its database I can just go to RA and Dec mode and slew to the co-ordinates. The handset is superbly made and has proved totally reliable over seven years, so far.


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