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bino or just a small scope?


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4 hours ago, Ben the Ignorant said:

It's still a zoom binoc with a very narrow filed at 10x (10x4°=40°) but the waterproofing is a plus.

Edit: I just noticed the ad says it's an Olympus but the logo on the thing says Maifeng, that's suspicious.

Just to make sure, there are 2 versions there, 1 for 10x50 and one for 10-24x50, which is not what I want to take.

As for the logo, I agree, I'll further look into it.

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With eBay you can always look for secondhand, I picked up some old wide field 7x bins that way, cheap and reasonable quality. I would definitely avoid zoom, a wider field helps you understand where you are pointing and makes starhopping easier.



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4 minutes ago, PeterW said:

With eBay you can always look for secondhand, I picked up some old wide field 7x bins that way, cheap and reasonable quality. I would definitely avoid zoom, a wider field helps you understand where you are pointing and makes starhopping easier.



The issue with ebay secondhand is that the shipping would probably be an issue, usually just unavailable, and if it is available, will probably be too costly. I'll give it a try though.

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The old Porro binocular experts on CloudyNights can be a bad influence. I agree international shipping is usually a deal breaker for secondhand stuff, most of mine were “local”.

good luck



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I looked again at the Aliexpress range of binoculars and the quality is very questionable. Either the field is puny of the coatings are single layer, or the written description doesn't match the picture. It looks like a dead end, you should decide to spend 20$ more on shipping and take a doubtlessly good instrument like the one from Teleskop Autria. Shipping is 24€ to Israel.

My brother has the 12x50 from that range and the absence of lateral color (looking at white lamps across the street!) is stunning. I don't know of any other Porro binocular sporting all the desirable features and costing so little.

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Like Ben, I had a browse through the listings on ebay and aliexpress and couldn't really find anything to recommend. A used binocular of decent quality despite the extra shipping cost would seem the best option.    😀

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  • 4 weeks later...

What about these from FLO? That’s the cost including delivery to a random address in Israel. Trusted manufacturer with 30 year warranty  and they generally seem to have good reviews. 


Just for your information when you buy from European retailers you will get VAT removed from both the purchase cost and delivery cost. I’m not sure what the import rules in Israel are but you would have to deal with ordering from AliExpress anyway


Surely there are some binocular retailers in Israel?




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I've a pair of 12x50 Bushnells, 12x70 Celestron Cometrons and a pair of 25x100 Skymaster observation binos. Without a doubt, the 12x70s Celestrons are far and away the best of the bunch for all-around use. Some folks on another forum decided they were rubbish without trying them because they didn't cost £500 and dismissed them as over-hyped junk. The 12x70s light-gathering ability in dark conditions (i.e. astronomy) is nothing short of incredible, other reviews have compared them to night vision only half-jokingly and the optical quality and eyepieces are above its price range. I bought mine second hand for a whopping £30 including shipping. I'd pay twice that easily for a pair.

PS if you lay on the ground or sit on a beach recliner etc and tuck your elbows in for support, you can observe steadily for quite a long time without breaks. I even do that with the 25x100s. It's like photography, you can rest the binos against anything steady for a big boost in stability without a tripod... 

I'm sure whatever you end up with will make for good observation, just avoid zoom binos by most if not all accounts I've heard!

Edited by Ships and Stars
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1 more recommendation for the Olympus DPS1 10x50. Great bit of kit, very hand holdable, and a long warranty.

If you wanted to mount them for more stability, these are good value...




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  • 1 month later...

I'm late to the party, but in dead of winter, I've observed with my 80mm and 120mm scopes through my dining room window.  And I mean through the glass with the window closed.  Not ideal, but better than sitting outside in -10 F weather.


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On 19/07/2019 at 11:54, msacco said:

Well I don't know if that's really objective asking in binoculars forums, but you kinda convinced me.

So now the question is which bino's to choose, I'll probably need to buy something from aliexpress or ebay, as amazon doesn't usually ship to Israel.

Basically, my aim is to being able to see faint objects such as andromeda from a dark site(obviously, it will be just a faint small light, but from what I understand I should be able to see it with bino's and clear skies).

My budget, as I said is around 50-80$, but if I can spare some money on that and still find something good enough, that's great.

What do you think about this:


The price seems kinda low, and the specifications looks kinda too good for that? The reviews are nice though.

Thanks! :)

I would avoid zoom binos like the plague. Stick with 7x50s or 10x50s. I have 3 pairs of binos, Nikon 7x50s, Bresser 10x50s and Celestron 15x70s.

Edited by Criermike
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