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Jupiter 28 Jun 2019


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Hello Astronomers,

After imaging quite a detailed image (for using an 8" SCT) of Jupiter last year, I was hoping to match or exceed it this year, but I can't quite get that atmospheric condition which will allow me to capture those fine structures.

Attached is my best Jupiter this year... I would have thought I'd get more detail since Jupiter passes overhead near zenith... I guess I just have to keep trying and hope for that super still night.

Clear Skies,



Jupiter 28Jun2019_0025AEST_Label.jpg

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7 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

Very nice images!

To think the GRS is larger than the Earth. We live in an amazing Solar System.

Thanks... I'd still like to get a sharper image... but I just have to keep being out there when ever I can.... and yes, the solar system is amazing.


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12 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

When you get some really good seeing I am sure it will do.

Yeah definitely... My best from last year was considerably more detailed.



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1 hour ago, alan potts said:

That's rather beautiful MG, I imagine it is better placed for you down there, it is low here in Bulgaria so must be awful in the UK.


It's up near zenith thats why I'm sort of disappointing with this result... I should have better seeing but Jupiter isn't gone yet so there is still a chance.


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15 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

great shot MG, I like it, it shows some nice fine detail mate. charl.

Hopefully in the next couple of nights (when I'm off from work)  I'll have a nice high pressure atmosphere with zero atmospheric winds and will be able to get my 2019 keeper shot.


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