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44 minutes ago, John said:

Jupiter is rubbish tonight whatever I view it with !

The frac is in and the 12 inch dob is out. M13 and M57 are looking decent at least although it's not really dark yet.


I had some half decent views of Jupiter for a little while John, then some patchy cloud started coming through right where Jupiter was and the seeing went to pot even in the clear spells. Shame because it's probably the best I've seen it this year, not that that is anything to write home about!

Packed up and heading to bed now. Still pretty clear out there though.

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I've packed the dob in as well now. Rather too milky for DSO's other than the bright ones.

Given that this was the 1st clear night for quite a while, it's been a bit of a flop really, what with the poor seeing, gusty wind and now a rather milky sky :rolleyes2:

While trying to pick out detail on Jupiter with my 130mm refractor, which is usually a superb planetary scope, I did wonder if I would not be better to sell it and spend the proceeds on a month in the Canaries later in the year with my Tak FC100 to get some views of the planets at a decent altitude.

Oh well, there will be other nights :smiley:

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We have had nothing but cloud, cloud, with double side servings of cloud here in East Devon for weeks and weeks now. Last night and the next 3 or 4 nights are predicting the clearest spells for sometime. Last night had the illusion of being a sea of jewels. Much of my S-NW aspect looks across several large buildings. My enthusiasm for Jupiter and Saturn was soon tempered with what i can only assume is thermal currents from these buildings. There wasn't a break in the haze until I gave up after an hour or so. 
Am going to try again this evening, but set the alarm for 3am in the hope of steadier views.

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I had a nap last night and put a scope out to cool down (or warm up?!) but when I woke up I was so tired I called it off, not wanting to be tired over the weekend.

Maybe tonight is on - who's ever heard of 2 days of clear skies in a row?! 😮

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Yes, looks hazy but I might still put a scope out just for Jupiter. Everything else will be a bit of a wash out I should think. Hope the seeing is better than last night!

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It looked as if it was clear last night bit it wasn't.  There were a number of stars out but not a full set and Jupiter looked distinctly watery.  Looks like it will be similar tonight.

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Guest chaz2b

For the past week I’ve been on holiday in St Ives, I took with me my Tele-Vue Pronto, have I had chance to use it! Have I heck! It’s been very misty most of the time back at the holiday cottage, and very windy just lately, looking forward to going home now.


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48 minutes ago, Gina said:

No sign of the Milky Way here and we're not that far apart.

It wasn't hugely brilliant, but by about 12.30 the sky had got as dark as it was going to and the MW had risen enough to clear the murk.

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2 minutes ago, Stu said:

Plenty of high wispy cloud here indicating strong winds up there. Not overly optimistic, haven't spotted Jupiter yet...

Ok I lied 🤣🤣. Caught it in binos above the roof of the house and now have it in the scope. GRS visible just about but it looks pretty rubbish 😥

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4 minutes ago, Stu said:

Plenty of high wispy cloud here indicating strong winds up there. Not overly optimistic, haven't spotted Jupiter yet...

Bit hazy down here and not quite dark enough for Jupiter! Ah well back to the footy.


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2 minutes ago, Gina said:

Clouded up here - "mackerel" sky mostly withs some stratus.  Decidedly misty on the horizon.

"Mackerel".. I thought that Mackerel was getting a bit shaky.... oh wait, thats Merkel, HAHAH


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3 minutes ago, jock1958 said:

Bit hazy down here and not quite dark enough for Jupiter! Ah well back to the footy.


Have a look with binos, I spotted it quite easily about 10 mins ago.

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Whilst I did see an aeroplane overhead when I was out shutting the chickens in tonight, the sky looked very pale and dull which didn't suggest any decent seeing even if it did turn out clear.  As it happens clouds have started pushing in from the south west.  Still far from dark though, so everything could change yet.


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