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Obsy design MKII


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13 hours ago, Rusted said:

You will have to be very disciplined and have a strict routine for cleaning out files from your SSD.
I added a second 500GB T5 SSD to my onboard 256GB SSD on my laptop and still end up deep into the red on both.
The little ZWO 120 produces massive files as fast as I can capture them on solar. :blush:


Oh yes indeed. The Obsy PC stores data at the time of capture only, this is then transferred over the network to storage and then deleted from the SSD.

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Well a big update and milestone.
Today I finished off painting with only a small number of touch ups needing to be done.
I have found a long term solution to solve the issue with the rollers but I can live with it until then.
The outside shell is now complete, electric and ethernet wires have been run as far as the obsy and just need connecting at both ends.

The inside is still a little rough but I have put a single sheet of osb up for now to be able to mount the monitor, the rest will be done on my next days off.
The next few days will be sorting the PC out after work as it will be too late to do anything further by the time I get home. I will get the tie downs sorted at some point before work over the next day or so however.
I am hoping to have everything at least up and running by the end of my next set of says off (work 4 on 4 off)


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9 hours ago, dyfiastro said:

Oh yes indeed. The Obsy PC stores data at the time of capture only, this is then transferred over the network to storage and then deleted from the SSD.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely have to look into that option. I was wandering back and forth with the 500GB external SSD to bung the contents into the indoor 4K HDD.
It was a laborious process despite USB 3s because the SSD was always full but needed to be given permission to unplug at "both ends."
The 4TB HDD is also very much slower than SSD. Deciding which videos to keep is an endless problem too. I keep thinking I could do better with the processing next time.
So I never throw anything away! :blush:

Love the artwork. You've really made it yours! Or the dog's? Is that a wicked, Muttley grin!   :biggrin:

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4 hours ago, Rusted said:

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely have to look into that option. I was wandering back and forth with the 500GB external SSD to bung the contents into the indoor 4K HDD.
It was a laborious process despite USB 3s because the SSD was always full but needed to be given permission to unplug at "both ends."
The 4TB HDD is also very much slower than SSD. Deciding which videos to keep is an endless problem too. I keep thinking I could do better with the processing next time.
So I never throw anything away! :blush:

Love the artwork. You've really made it yours! Or the dog's? Is that a wicked, Muttley grin!   :biggrin:

I have a gigabit ethernet cable going to the obsy which connects to the rest of the network. This not only makes life easier to transfer files at the end of session but off-loading during a long session is also easier.
Teamviewer works well for me over ethernet but be sure to enable direct connections.
Pipp has a good feature to archiving videos, can use lossless compression to save a little space.

The entire build process was checked and paw'd off at each stage by the dog.

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1 minute ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

If you already have a Gig wired network, why not save directly to a NAS\Server ? 

Its what I do, whether for individual images or multi-image streams.....

For DSO that is exactly what I do, when doing planetary / lunar / solar however I save to the SSD to get higher frame rates.

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That looks a wonderful conclusion to a terrible loss.

The paint job really made me smile and go aha now that's an idea 👏 and you deserve an applause for that.
It really is quite an accomplished artwork in itself.
I might just paint the garden facing sides of my shed like that when I get one.

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If you have the appropriate cables\switches\ports etc. then you could 'bond' network connections, increasing the connection speeds (It won't be a doubling, as there will be losses in the system), but I find it adequate.

If you really want the fastest speed to disk, then lookup Low Latency Networks (https://www.routerfreak.com/low-latency-networks-financial-trading-applications/), its not cheap and requires much higher end equipment, but the technology is there to write to disk at multi gigabit speeds.....

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12 hours ago, Alan White said:

That looks a wonderful conclusion to a terrible loss.

The paint job really made me smile and go aha now that's an idea 👏 and you deserve an applause for that.
It really is quite an accomplished artwork in itself.
I might just paint the garden facing sides of my shed like that when I get one.

Thank you. I am really happy with how it came out to be fair, if you do attempt it (which I would encourage) remember that texturing really will not be needed as you have the natural texture of the wood which makes the painting take on somewhat of a life of its own.

11 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

If you have the appropriate cables\switches\ports etc. then you could 'bond' network connections, increasing the connection speeds (It won't be a doubling, as there will be losses in the system), but I find it adequate.

If you really want the fastest speed to disk, then lookup Low Latency Networks (https://www.routerfreak.com/low-latency-networks-financial-trading-applications/), its not cheap and requires much higher end equipment, but the technology is there to write to disk at multi gigabit speeds.....

I did think about bonding but at present I have only run a single feed to the obsy. I was thinking about the possibility of using 10GbE as the cost has really come down, this will have to wait for now due to needing to get other things.

Having not long got home from work not had a chance to do much this evening. I have however started sorting the obsy pc out and getting everything installed. 

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1 hour ago, mckinnell said:

What a lovely SBT, what is the loves name and how old mate?,


                                  Regards,        Tom.

Her name is Cassie, She is 7 years old.
We have only had her for just over 12 months, she was a rescue and had been used for breeding :(
Fantastic with people but hates anything with four legs


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Well a major milestone, all equipment is now in place and everything seems to be working.
I had a small issue at 3:30am this morning when it started to clear. The roofline is too close and high to be able to see north with the polemaster (the air was blue).

I will attempt to use the guide scope with sharpcap and see how that does being that little bit higher, either that or it will get drift aligned.
The cabling needs to get sorted a bit better but did not want to do too much until I knew everything was working and I need to cover the pier again.
Now all I need is a clear night to setup and test everything.

I have also decided on a name, the Hawkings Observatory.



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