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Where to buy Carbon Tube


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I want to upgrade from the aluminium tube to a carbon one on my VX10, but I have exhausted all the searches on here and elsewhere without any luck.

Is it really that hard to source a Carbon Fibre Tube?

I've not got the time or skills to make a tube, so really need to buy one.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in Anticipation.

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Cheers Lads, really useful info, busy contacting them all at the mo.

I'm advised that the aluminium of the VX10 is fairly poor but as it has 1/10 wave mirrors it would be worth investing and perhaps get some new spider vanes as well?

@Tubby Bear is spacken de deauche (SIC) anywhere near good enough ...lol

Edited by Jkulin
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I think Klaus Helmerichs supplies TS with tubes that he produces.

They have lots of sizes : look at the 'solid carbon without core' tab. They actually do a ready made tube for OO 10"

and you can arrange for holes to be drilled for focuser etc.

I myself am after something for exactly the same upgrade, but in a 12" F4 size (OO VX12)

The job has been on 'the backburner' for quite a while now........

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Thanks for the pointers Gents, had a very detailed reply from Klaus as follows: -





Thanks fo interest.  The original inside should be 275-276mm.  My form 276mm works very good.

The original end rings won´t fit any more if i build a thick walled tube but there is no need for them. Anyway the whole mechanical construction is poor.  For example these endrings  go to the inside and cover even more of the to small inside diameter so the 100% illuminated field of view is with this end rings nearly 2mm

I add a photo of how a tube could look like at the ends and you see there is no need for the rings.

Then you have a free inside of 276mm that allows good photos with small to medium CCD cameras.  If you want to use bigger CCD like full format you should think of a bigger tube like 286 or 300mm inside diameter.  Of course this is more work adjusting the primary and secondary but maybe you should think of it.  The tube will cost the same.

So a tube 276/1150mm long with around 7mm wall  will cost 450 Euros.

Shipping to UK will cost 25 Euro.

Prices include 19% VAT for shipping within EU.

This tube will be stiff enough for direct mounting without clambs.  So you don´t need new clambs  if you don´t need to rotate the tube.





The quality and thickness looks superb and I will most definitely be ordering from him, I just need to obtain a new focuser so that I can give him the dimensions of the hole size, while I am at it I will also buy a new thicker Vane, I may go 15-20cm longer so that I have a built in dew shield.

If the quality is as good as the image and his replies, then I will be a very happy man. http://www.klaushelmi.de/en/

Thanks once again everyone.

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It looks very nice indeed John. Thanks for sharing the response from him. Not too bad a price either....?

I'd had concerns with the tube end rings, and it says somewhere on his website to retain them, but now

i've seen the tube, its obvious they can be dispensed with.


Klaus hit the nail on the head in his reply to you......"Anyway, the whole mechanical construction is poor" (with OO)

Apart from the mirror cell, which IS well built, i couldn't agree more.


My only concerns would be with the slightly thicker tube.

Would the mirror cell still fit in ok ?? 

And with me being a OO Dobsonian user : would the slightly bigger tube throw the OTA out of alignment with the aluminium Dob mount ????


I will also be upgrading my spider and secondary assembly, and have a curved vane design planned.

Take a look.



I hope your upgrade goes well, and i will follow with interest. Keep us updated please ? 😀

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@Tubby Bear I've measured the inside of my VX10 and it varies from 271mm to 281mm, so when Klaus says 276mm I think he is bang on.

I popped round to Peter Shah last week  and he showed me how to remove the primary and there are plenty of adjustments to allow for the internal diameter, I don't think you will have any issues there.

On my primary cell it could be locked in position in two different places about an inch apart, I think to allow for visual or astroimaging.

Peter explained how much twist there was in the ally tube and advised getting a carbon one which would resolve the constant need for re-collimating and would resolve any issues you had with alignment as well.

Once assembled I would need to pop back to Peters (always a pleasure) as he would need to check the measurements and alignment again.

I looked at the curved vanes, but for me I love the diffraction spikes so it will need to be straight ones but thanks for the link.

First thing is to obtain a new R&P focuser and then the vanes, then I can send Klaus the measurements.

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1 minute ago, bottletopburly said:

Does Claus say if he uses infusion moulding , 7mm is quite thick , I would have thought infusion would half that and be stronger and lighter 

Hi, I'm not a specialist in Carbon fibre, but if you have a look at his website he does manufacture a number of different carbon tubes. http://www.klaushelmi.de/en/hardfoam-cored-tubes.html

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I think i'll be his next customer John.  Klaus looks very good to deal with so far.

I've been doing various upgrades to my own scope over the last couple of years and have fitted encoders and a new Moonlite focuser.

A tube upgrade with new spider / secondary assembly will be my next step.

That only leaves flocking and sourcing an equatorial tracking platform.

You mentioned a longer tube to act as a built in dew shield and i thought it seemed a good idea,

but then i realised it would no longer fit across the back seats of the car.

I currently use an Astrozap shield on mine which works well, and helps to balance the heavy primary end a bit.


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That's a good point about fitting across the backseats, so will measure up if it will fit with the front seat reclined.

Klaus came back to me and suggested to go oversize of the tube so that it can accommodate a full frame sensor and it will also make it easier to find a spider, a good point however if and when I can afford a full frame sensor then I would be changing the OTA anyway to a 656imaging one from Peter.

TS did come back to me and said they could make a spider to fit from this link: - https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4142_TS-Optics-Spider-for-secondary-holders-from-TS-Optics-for-max--300-mm-OTA-diameter.html

I do wonder about the tube ring sizes though as that is a concern.

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I was in a similar position a few years back where I had issues with the thin tube wall on my Orion CT10,  I contacted Klaus who was very helpful, a replacement CF tube was a bit beyond my pocket so Klaus made me an inner tube to strengthen the tube wall around the focuser, I also beefed up the Orion focuser with a JMI and replaced the bendy Orion spider with a TS CF double vain which is worth considering, it gives off very fine diffraction spikes.




Edited by Astroscot2
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  • 1 year later...

Holy thread resurrection Batman. Well not so old I guess.

I myself ordered one of Klaus’ tubes a month or so ago, and eagerly await delivery. I replaced the mirror on my SW blue-steel-tube newt for an OO 1/10 wave mirror. The FL is slightly longer, hence ordering one of Klaus’ tubes. The carbon over the steel with save me around 5kg too!

As soon as I get it and have had a chance to use it I’ll add an update here...

Cheers, Magnus

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  • 3 years later...

Keeping a very useful thread alive. I have an old but great 12" f5 mirror that I consider getting recoated and build an OTA around it. Not sure though, depending on tube pricing: I might just be better off buying a 10-12" second hand carbon unit...

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I promised an update on two posts ago (3.5 years) but of course forgot. I did get delivery of Klaus’ carbon tube, and it’s very good. I did a bit of fettling with that scope just this afternoon. It’s so good, I subsequently got an 8” tube as well. Both so stiff. Partnered with good mirror and OO cell👌. The only advice I’d give with his tubes: do the holes (focuser, finders, spider, mirror cell) yourself, if you feel confident enough for the design.




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I also have a Klaus Helmi carbon tube, an 8" model. It is simply excellent, incredibly rigid. Can recommend, although be prepared to wait for a few months despite what kind of schedule is initially discussed when ordering.

TS also sells premade carbon tubes, although these seem to be at least 50% more expensive than ordering from Klaus directly (rumour has it these are also made by Klaus) but if one is in stock you will get it quickly.

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