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hi, at around 10.50pm on Saturday 1st June, while I happened to be outside, I saw something shoot over a part of the sky, in front of me, it was white in colour,  it was also round and ball like, there was an arc of a tail after it went over, which took a second or two, I was surprised by the  white ball type of effect, I checked...there are no meteor showers due till July, it was seen in a well lit area, I had no camera on me as I'd just been to the bins with rubbish

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Meteor showers are pretty much a constant to at least some degree. There are currently several daytime showers active and the ANT (associated with sporadic meteors, but usually included in lists of meteor showers) will produce at least a few meteors every hour.

It could even be part of a yet to be described shower.

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Sounds like you caught a good one. They are relatively common, but the chances of looking up and in the right direction make seeing a big one quite unusual! 

Definitely a special moment.


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You will be very surprised how many meteors you will see if you start watching for them.

You have to be out at night and looking up.

One sure bet is to be setting up your camera hoping to get images of a meteor. Almost always will see one when you are not ready, or looking in the opposite direction the camera is pointing. 

But I'm always happy to witness one!

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4 hours ago, maw lod qan said:


You will be very surprised how many meteors you will see if you start watching for them.

You have to be out at night and looking up.

One sure bet is to be setting up your camera hoping to get images of a meteor. Almost always will see one when you are not ready, or looking in the opposite direction the camera is pointing. 

But I'm always happy to witness one!

You don't have to be out only at night. A couple of years ago I was out during a lovely hot summers afternoon and caught a bright flash out of the corner of my eye and when I looked over, I say a lovely meteor trail which was left behind.

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I have seen two bolides since starting astronomy two years ago. I have another interest ‘carp fishing’ which is mainly a nocturnal pursuit.

I have a friend who has witnessed first hand meteors that have turned night time to day for a second or two. He fishes a minimum of three night a week regardless of the weather.

Makes you wonder what just missed us while we are tucked up in bed, shopping or at work. Most go unnoticed.

There is an organisation called UKMON (I think) that has people with webcams monitoring the skies to triangulate meteorite impact sites.

I am sure someone on this site has all the info

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