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Imaging with the Samyang 135mm f2

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Got this cheap tripod collar today. Surprised there isn't a proper one made for this lens. Anyway, this one is 71mm so slightly too big but nothing a few wraps of tape around the lens can't fix! A bit of careful cutting away of excess tape also leaves the aperture ring free to rotate unlike the Redcat collar. I'm planning to fix a mini dovetail bar to the foot of this so I can mount it into the William Optics slide handle on my scope.

These are on Amazon for anyone interested.







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Nice catch on these, i see you have what looks like a piece of thin plastic

to take up the 1mm slack on the diameter of the lens, good idea

I have just purchased two of the rings and some self adhesive felt off Amazon.

Thanks for sharing the info 


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1 hour ago, ultranova said:

Nice catch on these, i see you have what looks like a piece of thin plastic

to take up the 1mm slack on the diameter of the lens, good idea

I have just purchased two of the rings and some self adhesive felt off Amazon.

Thanks for sharing the info 


I just used some blue electricians tape and added a few layers until I was happy that it was a good fit. Used a razor blade to trim the edge off to free up the aperture ring. Just waiting on my mini dovetail now so can mount it to the scope handle.

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57 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

I just used some blue electricians tape and added a few layers until I was happy that it was a good fit. Used a razor blade to trim the edge off to free up the aperture ring. Just waiting on my mini dovetail now so can mount it to the scope handle.

I tried that as well a couple years ago, but ran into problems when I tried to rotate the lens. Some parts of the tape was sticky where it shouldn't be, and created a huge mess... it was dark and didn't see what was happening until it was too late :( 

I like the idea of the ring though, it should make rotating the lens much easier! Well done!+

Speaking of adhesive: I tuned the 360° rotator I recently added, and added a scale, to help me with flats :)  Still waiting for a very lightweight guide scope I ordered from Aliexpress, that should make the rig even more portable and travel friendly, and I guess the setup will be complete!



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The final parts came today. An Optolong L Pro clip in for my 6D and a mini dovetail. Its a perfect fit for the William Optics scope handles.


I drilled and tapped a couple of M6 holes in the foot of the collar.





For added security a put an extra thumbscrew into the handle so there's no mishaps with it sliding out of there as its fairly heavy.






I added a few thin strips of foam to the B mask I was using for the Altair 80EDR so hoping I can use this for focusing the lens.





Its a guaranteed cloud free night tonight folks!! No problems here! Who's with me? Maybe some mass positive vibes will keep cloud at bay for an evening!



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My first RGB image with the 135mm. Not the best target to image and my RGB processing needs some work - it's been an age since I last processed an RGB image. The Bortle 3/4 skies certainly help compared with Bortle 5/6 at our previous location.

This is 20x60s of R, G and B. Integrated in APP, pre-processed in PixInsight and tweaked in Affinity.


Some star distortion which is most apparent in the top corners; any thoughts as to what might be causing this?


Edited by Adreneline
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I'm starting to wonder if this isn't a problem with all copies of the 135mm. One corner always seems to have weird stars! Perhaps a misalignment of one of the many lenses inside?

Great picture nonetheless, Adrian! I love that tiny galaxy you also captured in the bottom left corner!

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Are you using the Canon version, or did you mode it with Rob's fantastic 48mm adapter? I haven't had a chance to test mine that just arrived, but I remember my Canon to T2 adapter wasn't particularly tight, and I suspect it also created a very slight tilt. I hope this M48 adapter will help in that regard!

Otherwise, I see no other option, except using a tilt adapter in between...

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19 minutes ago, Space Oddities said:

Are you using the Canon version, or did you mode it with Rob's fantastic 48mm adapter?

I'm using the Astrojolo version - same thing really. I suppose it could be a sensor tilt issue - wouldn't take much. I don't think I want to go down the road of a tilt adapter - too complicated. I'm trying to keep my setup simple.

DynamicCrop will sort it that's for sure ;) 



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I also believe that's too much complexity, for a setup that's supposed to be simple. Also, I use mine with small sensors (ASI1600 or ASI178) anyway, so I don't think it's worth it.

Also, it could be worse! Check out that horrible tilt, you can see it pretty clearly with even a compressed image... I understand why Samyang is infamous for their QC...

I also read this user saying he uses a step down filter to improve the star shape in the corners. Kind of defeat the purpose of an f/2 lens, but with his technique of star removal, he gets the best of both worlds. I just drop that here, in case anyone is interested :) 

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My first night out was plagued by clouds. Second night out i had a wandering dust bunny that changed position every frame rendering flats useless. Finally tonight the clouds stayed away for a couple of hours and the dust bunnies stayed in on place for the most part. I was imaging NGC896 in Oiii on the main scope so just set the Samy/6D snapping away on top, hence the off centre framing. Lens stopped down to f4 and it gives good results to the edge, even on the full frame 6D. Wish I had bought this lens earlier instead of experimenting with Canon lenses!

23 x 300s f4 @ ISO1600. Quick bash in PI and PS.


H&S 135mm 2.jpg

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Recently bought one of these lenses, and am slowly getting everything together for imaging.  Next on my list is a Bhatinov mask. Is there one made specifically for this lens that is worthy of recommendation? I’ve seen a few 3D-printed ones on eBay, but not sure if they’re any good.

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49 minutes ago, Ande said:

Recently bought one of these lenses, and am slowly getting everything together for imaging.  Next on my list is a Bhatinov mask. Is there one made specifically for this lens that is worthy of recommendation? I’ve seen a few 3D-printed ones on eBay, but not sure if they’re any good.

I just use the one that's for a wo star 71. 

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58 minutes ago, nicoscy said:

You can get someone to 3D print this for you :)

Thanks @nicoscy  That looks excellent. Unfortunately, I don’t have a 3D printer, nor do I know anyone that has. That’s something I would like to rectify in the future though :

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