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All Sky Camera Revisited


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UMa is quite obvious in the centre of the frame, but UMi is distinct to the north with Draco curling around it and Leo very obvious to the south, too.


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Got dew.  Seems the dew heater isn't working.  Just been out to observatory and done some testing.  Rewired the dew heater line to the raw +13.8v main obsy supply and the increase in current shows that the dew heater is now working.  Just waiting for the heating to take effect now,

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Alright again now!

90s exposure, gain 200, temperature -21.1°C.  The heating added in the casing has reduced the effectiveness of the camera cooling.  The dew is clearing.


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You got clear skies !

Clouded over again here...… ?

Camera looking good though, do think you have cleared the problem for good or is it temporary ?



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Yes, clear skies here.

Can't yet tell if I've cured the problem - I need to get the positive pressure system working and see if the pressure is maintained or if I have a leak.  I think the chances are good though.

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Yes!  If any show up I'll catch them.  Running continuously except for download time (couple of seconds).  About 150 90s frames between now and daybreak.  Should catch a couple of passovers of the ISS if it isn't too light by then (4am).

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