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NGC 7331 and friends.


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Hello all,

This has been a bit of a pig to process!

Looking at my observing notes for the night, seeing was, by my very scientific scale, rubbish!

Consequently, the stars ended up like footballs, plus, not having one of the newer ACF scopes, at anything other than f6.3 and above, coma rears its ugly head and the galaxy looked like it was under cometary bombardment :D

There is a big dynamic range in this target, and because I had to stretch it a lot to bring out the spiral arms, the already large stars got even bigger, requiring many passes of curves, plus star shrinking using the minimum filter, and manually removing the comet tails and fixing up artifacts caused by lots of deconvolution filtering.

So, not my best but the best I've managed so far of this group....hopefully next year conditions may be a bit better and this set of data will be something to build on. :help:

Next time round I think I need to go for longer exposure times to avoid having to stretch the data so much and avoid the noise levels produced by doing so.

Imaged with the 14 inch at around f5 or so, Atik 16HR, Astronomik LRGB filters.

L- 36 x 5 minutes of a run of 62

RGB, 15 each, 3 minutes binned 2x2.

For some reason the image looks a bit distorted in the preview....(noticed this on NGC1514 the other week too???) so please click on the image for a decent rendition!


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HI rob,

Where in the world are you trying to look at it if you have a slower connection the image gets displayed in a much lower resolution form but you can download the proper hi-res version you might get a help box pop up telling you how to do it as you hover over the image... I cant rememebr... the mouse or key combo ...


Looks good to me by the way :D

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Flippin' heck! After reading your comments I was expecting to see a poor image...

...but that is a very good result indeed. Considering that this galaxy is 46 million light years away I'm very impressed at the amount of detail that you have captured.


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I've tried imaging this myself - it needs loads of exposure time, it's a difficult one to capture, so hat's off to you Rob for a super job.

Love the colour too. Cracking detail in the dust lanes.

A target I'll try re-visiting earlier in the season, next year.


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Well I can't believe you ever had any coma in that image: surely you're pulling our legs! :D Or else your clean-up job is nothing short of magic. That image is the 7331 for all other NGC7331s I've seen to measure up to - and most will fall far short! I almost feel I can reach out and touch it... :thumbup:

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No problems at all Mike, that's an improvement for sure.

Did you just drop the green, or boost another colour to compensate?

Pete, the clean-up job has taken the best part of a week :D

Thanks for your kind words guys, much appreciated. :help:



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Hi guys, just tweaked the colour balance a bit, slight adjustments to red at the middle top of the curve, and green lower down,

No Martin, I haven't got the scope with me....it's a little large to cart around unfortunately!!




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