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Sinus Iridum


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Sinus (Small Bays or '' Plain '') - Small gulf, narrow mouth, which extends inland. Ex Sinus Iridum (attached image).
Sinus Iridum, its crater and the Jura Mountains, are a favorite target of all lunar observers.
The mountains always seem to catch the light in a special way, and in good lighting conditions, it has a very interesting contrast mixing the brightness to the darkness of both sides. The low sun on the ground is something to be vaulted, so each small crater stands out as a ring of light. This low illumination also emphasizes the sea and the backs (peculiar and low sinuous protrusions) making them very prominent and easily visible on the flat floor of the bay.
The Promotorium Laplace and Heraclides advance to the sea giving this resource a unique feature that has no equal on the Moon
An area worthy of further study and photography!


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