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I wanted to create an Ha stand-alone image--much like I did with the Horsehead.  But this target is difficult even in Ha.  It has been said that one can't really overexpose Ha subs--and for most targets that is true.  Certainly not for M42.  This is 40 5min subs (FSQ 106 with ,6x reducer and ASI 1600 with 3um Astrodon filter).   Even the Ha channel needs to be composed of several duration of subs,  Not sure its worth teh effort.  This data is mediocre at best--high FWHM values, and shot during a 67% Moon that was close.  More data would help there--but more data is certainly not what I need in the body of teh nebula.  The Running Man is virtually invisible.

I am rarely, if ever, disappointed with Ha stacks.   Here is the exception.  I guess I should have added data to the Horsehead.  Tonight--its either try and salvage this beast, finish teh horsehead--or let the rig run on the Rosette.  I was hungary for M42.    Now I feel bloated.




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6 minutes ago, JohnSadlerAstro said:


Although as you say the actual centre of M42 is rather disappointing, the surrounding nebula areas look really good. You could try merging this with a set of subs more oriented at capturing the core and central regions of M42 itself? :)


Yeah--now we are getting into a full blown HDR type project with varying exposure lengths.  I tried it with this data--making a clone and only stretching it a bit then pasting on top of the full image--but the boundaries are very tricky to get right.  Didn't really work.  I am not sure I want Ha in the LTGB image--I really like the blues in LRGB compositions and Ha messes with that palette.  I do like the background structure.  maybe the Ha will be used just for that.  Not sure.  The thing is I am stuck with one exposure time once I start.  This target rises around 11:30--so I start imaging around 12:00 and go to bed.  What it really needs is several different exposure lengths--but I can't do that unless I get up and make the change.  So it turns into a multiday project just to get an Ha standalone.  Leaning away from that


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6 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Very impressive detail in the outer regions. I found Astro Pixel Processor quite capable of combining different exposure times in my attempts at M42. Could be worth a bash,

Thanks, Michael.  I guess there is little doubt that there is background dust and emission around M42!  I will definitely combine multiple exposure lengths for the LRGB composition.  PI does this quite well I am told.   I would really like to make a beautiful, resolved M42 and that is the only way to do it.  I am just not sure that a stand alone mono Ha is worth the trouble.  We'll see.  Maybe if the data was pristine--but it is far from it (my temperature compensation focus tool failed me a bit on this one.  I checked before breaking down and focus was a tad off.  It might be a cable issue--there are a few splits that I have taped up.  The focus commands might not all be getting through--so focus suffers a little. 


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I hear your critique of your work but you're obviously working at an elevated skill level from me - if I had captured that I'd probably have put a frame on it - it's Awesome! ?

Love the surrounding dust - that's the real star for me here - the centre of the nebula has become a bit of an irrelevance with all that interesting detail appearing around it - really well done.



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Thanks David.  I do like the surrounding emission (not really dust in this photo yet--its Ha emission!--which is cool).  There is allot of dust as well, of course--that will be revealed mostly by the Lum and red filter I think.   I appreciate your critique.  I will end up completing this project--but its a bit intimidating.


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39 minutes ago, celestron8g8 said:

Take some short exposures for the trapezium and stack or do copy/paste to make the center look better . Very nice capture here tho ! 

Yeah--will be allot of work to do that for all stacks.  AHHHH!

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9 minutes ago, des anderson said:

What`s wrong!!!! That`s a jaw dropping image.........Des

Thanks Des--just a bit lacking in the center is all.  I am probably thinking about a full color image as well--obviously can't compare to that.  Soon enough!


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Hi Rodd,

I’m on M42 right now. Two nights so far with 8x60, 120, 180, 300 and 600s exposures in Ha and OIII; hopefully get the same in SII on Thursday if the weather holds true. 

I’ve used HDRComposition and HDRMultiscaleTransform to reveal the core on my Ha and intend to do the same with OIII and SII. 



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46 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

’m on M42 right now. Two nights so far with 8x60, 120, 180, 300 and 600s exposures in Ha and OIII; hopefully get the same in SII on Thursday if the weather holds true. 

I’ve used HDRComposition and HDRMultiscaleTransform to reveal the core on my Ha and intend to do the same with OIII and SII. 


Looks good.  I guess there is no way to do it without doing the whole shebang.   I will regroup and try to encourage the troops.......


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On 30/10/2018 at 10:17, JohnSadlerAstro said:


Although as you say the actual centre of M42 is rather disappointing, the surrounding nebula areas look really good. You could try merging this with a set of subs more oriented at capturing the core and central regions of M42 itself? :)



On 30/10/2018 at 10:34, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Very impressive detail in the outer regions. I found Astro Pixel Processor quite capable of combining different exposure times in my attempts at M42. Could be worth a bash,


22 hours ago, celestron8g8 said:

Take some short exposures for the trapezium and stack or do copy/paste to make the center look better . Very nice capture here tho ! 


16 hours ago, Adreneline said:

’ve used HDRComposition and HDRMultiscaleTransform

I know its late to the game--but I don't know why I didn't think of this before.  Here is a blend of the Lum and the Ha images.   An ember still glows in teh ashes--to build it into a blaze!






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12 hours ago, Rodd said:




I know its late to the game--but I don't know why I didn't think of this before.  Here is a blend of the Lum and the Ha images.   An ember still glows in teh ashes--to build it into a blaze!






Hmmmm, as feared (for me) the dusty nebulosity has been side lined by the amazing detail of the object....I really do prefer the first example for that reason - it was a show case of the surrounding area and the object didn't draw your attention from it - perhaps when you frame these you could put them side by side ? 

Excellent work regardless of my irrelevant opinion.


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2 hours ago, David_L said:

Excellent work regardless of my irrelevant opinion.

Never irrelevant.  Without them where would we be?  I appreciate them all.  We will see in the final version....hopefully


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3 hours ago, StargeezerTim said:

Hope you don't mind.

Not at all.  But I think you have flattened out the dynamic range instead of increasing details.  I think this can be seen in the running man.  But it looks good.  I am excited about continuing.  But I think I will work on a few at once in case this one crashes and burns.  


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