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Is a Telegizmos 365 cover what I need ?

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Hi All

I’m considering building a concrete pier in my garden, but no room for an obs building unfortunately. I was just wondering if anyone leaves their telescope set up outdoors for long periods ? I’m looking to minimise my set up time so would ideally like to leave the telescope in position if possible.

I’ve read some positive things about this cover.


Does anyone use this for leaving their kit out in the elements ? Can you really just leave your gear out under this ? It makes me nervous !

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12 minutes ago, Spaced Out said:

Hi All

I’m considering building a concrete pier in my garden, but no room for an obs building unfortunately. I was just wondering if anyone leaves their telescope set up outdoors for long periods ? I’m looking to minimise my set up time so would ideally like to leave the telescope in position if possible.

I’ve read some positive things about this cover.


Does anyone use this for leaving their kit out in the elements ? Can you really just leave your gear out under this ? It makes me nervous !

I have one and it is excellent.  However, whilst I do leave my kit out under it for limited durations (up to 16 nights), I don't think I'd leave my OTA and camera out under it permanently.  I know a number of people leave their mount out under one, which is one thing, and should be fine, but not so sure about the rest of the kit.

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4 minutes ago, LightBucket said:

Hmmmm, it does not mention anywhere on the listing that it is breathable....are they or not..?? :)

No idea ? Seems to be lined with some sort of foil ! I'm not sure users aren't just supposed to just tie the bottom loosely to allow some air flow around ?

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I would agree, fairly sure it is breathable. A few years ago I left a scope and mount out under one for a long time, probably up to a year, checking on it regularly and there were no problems at all.

I now leave a mount out under one, admittedly with a towel over it to reduce any moisture collecting on it. Again I check it and air it regularly but don't ever find any problems so am quite comfortable that it is working well. Mine is fairly loose at the bottom to allow air circulation.

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9 hours ago, Stu said:

I would agree, fairly sure it is breathable. A few years ago I left a scope and mount out under one for a long time, probably up to a year, checking on it regularly and there were no problems at all.

I now leave a mount out under one, admittedly with a towel over it to reduce any moisture collecting on it. Again I check it and air it regularly but don't ever find any problems so am quite comfortable that it is working well. Mine is fairly loose at the bottom to allow air circulation.

That's really helpful, thanks.

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I use a 365 cover too. Noticed some condensation on the equipment, so emailed the producer. The advice I got is to use a little dehumidifier, heater or desiccant
I bought a set of skiboot heaters (17 Watts) and leave the bottom side open. No problems since...

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2 hours ago, Waldemar said:

I use a 365 cover too. Noticed some condensation on the equipment, so emailed the producer. The advice I got is to use a little dehumidifier, heater or desiccant
I bought a set of skiboot heaters (17 Watts) and leave the bottom side open. No problems since...

Well, not the best advice I have ever heard from a manufacturer, the whole point of these is they are supposed to work, especially at the price they are...

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It looks breathable, due to the non airtight leg apertures, and If the air can get in, so could airborne moisture, but as long as there's some flow in the air, it should be ok.
This is quite an expensive item too........I bought a cycle cover some time back, which I use for keeping the elements out whilst the scope is cooling ( its not the first time I've fallen asleep waiting for the scope to cool and the rain arrived!  ) and  its big enough to  fully enclose my scope, less than £20

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I think the one thing that works really well with the 365 cover is the lining.  Mine covers my kit in Spain during the day, when it can get extremely hot, and it really does help to keep the temperature down.

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I use a 365 cover on my dob. it has been out now for 2 months. So far no problems apart from it blowing over a couple of weeks ago (luckily no damage). You do get spiders and creepy crawlies inside but they don't seem to do any harm, just make sure all the scope covers are on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a 365 cover for my C8 and AVX mount. with tripod Seems to be ok at the moment. Not sure about leaving out in the British weather all through the winter though or if will survive a storm.

Also, I do not recommend leaving the handset, camera, or autoguider under cover as they will probably get damaged by frost.

It might also be a good idea to place a sheet over the mount and then place the 365 cover on top to give it more protection from frost.


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