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how not to wake nextdoors kids up.


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my noisey canon makes hell of a click when taking rapid frames when shooting the moon, fixed with a towel rapped around it , its quite now , it works better than I thought it would, wouldn't be any good when doing DS it would get too warm. but it dont sound like a lazy machine gun when taking loads of subs now. charl.


and heres our moon tonight taken with my hi-tec mod ?


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9 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

my noisey canon makes hell of a click when taking rapid frames when shooting the moon, fixed with a towel rapped around it , its quite now , it works better than I thought it would, wouldn't be any good when doing DS it would get too warm. but it dont sound like a lazy machine gun when taking loads of subs now. charl.


and heres our moon tonight taken with my hi-tec mod ?


I am sure if you showed them the end result they would understand, excellent Moon capture.

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thanks charic, its the 1200d it don't lock up in rapid fire, its got 145,000 on the clock so its about as worn as it can get, my 1000d  is modded so im trying to keep the mileage down so don't use it with the moon. the folded towel works a treat , I can still hear it but at about 10% of what it used to be. clear skys. charl.

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thanks Pete, there great next door, thay havnt complained, it me who worrys that ill wake the kids as there bedroom is next to my obsyroom. thanks for being so kind, clear skys charl. ps it don't look like ill be imaging the eclipse , total cloud here mate.

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Charl, I think it is GREAT that you are such a kind & considerate person! ?
As well as an Enthusiatic & Capable Astronomer. Can you come and live next
door to me (lol)? Just reflecting on some of the rather less considerate... ?

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thanks Chris, im a big believer in that anyone should beable to do anything as long as it dos not have any negative affects on anyone else, im very lucky to have great people on both side of my house, but I find in this part of south wales most people are alike. hope you have clear mate. charl.

3 hours ago, Macavity said:

GREAT that you are such a kind and considerate person


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