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4_7_18 Lunt 35 B400


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My new toy, Lunt 35 B400 arrived in the post today (thanks Spikey). Typically it was cloudy and hazy out, but I didn't let that stop me having a go at imaging the Sun. I tried and failed to stack the image in Registax 6, so ended up putting a little Youtube test vid together. Hopefully I'll have a bit of fun learning the ropes over the remaining summer. Even though the Sun was relatively quiet I still had a hoot observing and filming it. 


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3 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Congrats, Chris. These are lovely scopes and give wonderful views. Enjoy!

Thanks Jeremy, even through the clouds the view was very pleasing in a 20mm Plossl, very pleased. 

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5 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

welcome to the lightside chris, did you know we wear sunglasses in the dark ?. charl.

Cheers charl, I've dipped my toe before but glad to be back after a couple of years out. The imaging side of solar is quite new, think this is my second attempt at taking any kind of solar image. I might buy a mono camera as I'm pretty sure the Bayer matrix in my ASI120MC does nothing for solar imaging :grin:

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I favor a colour over a mono mate, I have both types but I like to be different but saying that ive only done vis with a lunt because you know im quarkers mate ?, have another go when the seeings better. good vid mate. charl.

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Looking good Chris, there are some moments of detail in there so running it through PIPP then  Autostakert should get you something.

I use an old PGBfly mono camera but there are now a few USB3 ZWO ones worth a look


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Thanks Dave, I'll take a look and also down load Autostakert and try that instead of Registax. I might skip PIPP though, it looked really 'grid lined' after. I'd better take a look at some tutorials thinking about it. 

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I used to use Registax years ago. It doesn’t cope with large numbers of frames when stacking. That may have been your problem. I now use Autostakkert3! That works fine most of the time.

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30 minutes ago, Anne S said:

I used to use Registax years ago. It doesn’t cope with large numbers of frames when stacking. That may have been your problem. I now use Autostakkert3! That works fine most of the time.

Yes I remember having this problem in the past when planetary imaging, it limits you to short AVI's. I think at least part of the issue is that I'm using a manual alt/az mount so the Sun is moving all the time, plus it doesn't all fit in the field of view, when it stacks, it stacks the image but it's all just a blurry mess. I'll try Autostakkert, cheers. 

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7 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

Chris are u recording in colour or with the colour turned off ?. charl

I'm not sure charl? I guess what ever the default is as I didn't touch this setting. I've just watched the start of a tutorial, and the guy on that set it to mono with his colour ASI174, is this what you'd suggest too?

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if your using firecapture make sure the debayer is turned on so you record in colour then in Pipp when you tick the convert to monochrome, you wont get the blocking then mate, if you not got firecapture  download it, it the best capture softwear by far. theres some nice but faint proms on show today ,ive just posted my pics. charl.

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29 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

if your using firecapture make sure the debayer is turned on so you record in colour then in Pipp when you tick the convert to monochrome, you wont get the blocking then mate, if you not got firecapture  download it, it the best capture softwear by far. theres some nice but faint proms on show today ,ive just posted my pics. charl.

Thanks, I was using SharpCap3.1 but will download firecapture today and give that a go, cheers. I'll go take a look at your pic and see what's occurring :) 

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