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Takahashi FC-100DF Focuser Upgrade

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2 hours ago, DRT said:

A high quality item that finishes off the job nicely, but I struggle to understand why they need to charge £98 for it

Probably just because they can ?

Does look veeery nice though.

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39 minutes ago, Cleetus said:

Are you not happy with the Tak focusser?

I'm quite happy with the stock focuser on my DL but others seem to feel that they need to be replaced so I'm in the minority I guess.

I feel my DIY finder mount solution looks at least as tidy as the Tak FQR1 too but I guess thats a matter of opinion.

But, hey, thats £350 of accessories that I don't need to get for the Tak :biggrin:

I could get a nice 3-6 Nagler zoom for that !

Interesting that the Primaluce focuser is a re-branded GSO/Revelation.



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55 minutes ago, John said:

But, hey, thats £350 of accessories that I don't need to get for the Tak :biggrin:

I don't think we should be straying into the territory of only buying what we "need", John.

Others might be watching and begin asking awkward questions when the postman arrives :rolleyes: 


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17 hours ago, 25585 said:

Considering one of these myself. :blob6: 



That looks a bit chunky for the back of an FC100. I considered swapping the stock focuser for a MoonLite and decided the weight would be too back-ended so went for the upgrade shown above, partly to try to stick within the normal design balance of the OTA.

In the short time I have had it I have found that the FC100 is quite back heavy when loaded with a 2" diagonal and EP. I think putting a heavy focuser on the back might be a mistake.

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In my opinion the Tak focusers are the weakest link of the telescope

My FS128 focuser literally wore out - the pinion wore through the cast housing!! but it is 20 years old and gets a lot of use. I replaced it with a full feather touch focuser which is really superb.

My TSA102 focuser compared to the feather touch feels very basic and I cannot get the right feel from it. It is either nice and smooth but with image shift or hard to turn with no image shift. Very frustrating

I think the micro focuser DRT bought is a good compromise

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The stock focuser on my Vixen ED102SS wore out as well. It was very good when I first got the scope but after around 6 years (the scope was around 15 years old by then) I was having to adjust the tension quite often so I changed to a Moonlite.

If I still have the Tak FC100DL in, say, 10 years time I'll budget for a replacement focuser :smiley:





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8 hours ago, Cleetus said:

Are you not happy with the Tak focusser?

No problem with the Tak, but I was impressed with the specs on Primaluce's web page. They also do a 2 inch version which is less chunky and more affordable. 


Besides, white matches the Tak OTA and red the rings and bars. Tak eye candy ?


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8 hours ago, John said:

I'm quite happy with the stock focuser on my DL but others seem to feel that they need to be replaced so I'm in the minority I guess.

I feel my DIY finder mount solution looks at least as tidy as the Tak FQR1 too but I guess thats a matter of opinion.

But, hey, thats £350 of accessories that I don't need to get for the Tak :biggrin:

I could get a nice 3-6 Nagler zoom for that !

Interesting that the Primaluce focuser is a re-branded GSO/Revelation.



You have a black OE  focuser on your DL, John. Goes with a lot more non-Tak stuff than the other colour. 

My vintage Towa equatorial mount, interestingly is black metallic, including its Tak-style clam ring, which has red velvet lining.

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It's probably just me but colour matching is not too high up my list of criteria for astro equipment :icon_scratch:

Mostly I use the equipment in the dark and when it's not in use it's in a box or cupboard.


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  • 1 year later...
On 01/07/2018 at 10:21, DRT said:

After taking sound advice from trusted members on both side of the house I decided to go for a compromise in upgrading the focuser on my FC-100DF so have now installed a Baader ClickLock clamp to the end of the focus tube and a FeatherTouch Micro-Pinion...




I'm very happy with this as it retains the iconic green focuser body but also feeds my obsession to rid the world of knurled screw fittings and to have the fine focus ability provided by the FeatherTouch dual-speed pinion :icon_cool:


Hi Derek. I recently got the same scope and am wanting to upgrade the focuser to a Feather Touch. Which model goes with the FC-100DF? Is it the MPA-TAK2.5 for 2.5" focuser or the MPA-TAK2.7 for 2.7" focuser?

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