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What scopes are these?

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I recently bought some second hand equipment and it came with these two telescopes which I don't recognise (see photos below). Does anyone have an idea what type of telescope they are and if possible the make and model? The apertures on both are 8". Scope 1 comes with a finderscope shown in a photo. I'm also thinking of selling these on so if anyone also has any idea of their value too that would also be useful to know. Thanks in advance!

Scope 1



Scope 2


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21 minutes ago, alanjgreen said:

I would suggest setting them up and seeing how good an image they provide before you could put a price on them.

I've had a look through them in daylight, they reach focus and the view is clear and sharp. I have yet to test them at night though. Anything I should look out for when testing?

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5 minutes ago, Rob said:

Scope 2 looks like and Orion Optics OMC 200 series MAK (old version).




Unless there was a much older version then I don't think it's an OMC200. I had one of the white tube versions i.e. Not CF, and the castings are quite difference to this one, plus it also had a collimateable secondary which this one doesn't.

Both intriguing, very interesting to hear what the views are like, particularly through the Mak.

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2 hours ago, bendiddley said:

Guys, I still need to work out what Scope 2 is. I've looked at your suggestions for this so far but found nothing, any more ideas??

Scope 2 is an early, possibly repainted-tube, Skywatcher Skymax 180 / ORION USA (or a clone from the same SYNTA factory assembly line).

The style, size and shape of the focus knob, rear and front cell castings, fixing screw positions, collimation screw positions, corrector plate retaining ring and finder scope bracket are all identical to the current Skymax 180 PRO.

Whether it was ever a badged Skywatcher product that has been repainted or an unbadged scope from the same production line you might be able to tell by looking at any areas of the tube body where the white paint is scratched away, the Skywatcher Skymax 180 was available at various times with blue, black or gold painted tube bodies but never white AFAIK. The ORION version sold in the USA was available in different colours to the Skywatcher versions sold in Europe even though it is the same scope.

If you look at the images of a second hand Skymax 180 PRO here you will see the similarities:




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15 minutes ago, Oddsocks said:

Scope 2 is an early, repainted-tube, Skywatcher Skymax 180 (or a clone from the same SYNTA factory assembly line).

The style, size and shape of the focus knob, rear and front cell castings, fixing screw positions, collimation screw positions and finder scope bracket are all identical to the current Skymax 180 PRO.

Whether it was ever a badged Skywatcher product that has been repainted or an unbadged scope from the same production line you might be able to tell by looking at any areas of the tube body where the white paint is scratched away, the Skywatcher Skymax 180 was available at various times with blue, black or gold painted tube bodies but never white AFAIK.

If you look at the images of a second hand Skymax 180 PRO here you will see the similarities:




I think you're right William! I hadn't noticed it before, but the tube has been repainted like you say as you can see areas where the paint has run slightly on the surface and also I can see the gold colour underneath showing through next to the dovetail bar where the paint hasn't quite reached. Looking at the photos from the link you've given, all the parts, casting etc are identical too. Looks like I do have an old Skywatcher Skymax 180 then! Why the previous owner wanted to paint it though, I'll never know?! Seems like an odd thing to do. Thanks a lot for that!

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