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SGP - credit where it is due


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I know I have made some negative comments about SGP lately.  It would be such a superb piece of software if it was a bit more stable.  

Anyway, that aside, I have had my first series of automated Meridian flips this week now that I have re-rigged my rig and got the mount top PC going and rid myself of the tangle of cables hanging from the scopes/cameras.  It is a sight to behold watching SGP take reference frames, pause PHD guiding, perform the flip, plate solve, centre itself, start PHD again, autofocus and then start grabbing subs.  Very, very impressive.

Just wish it was a bit more stable at times.  it owed be 10/10 if it were.

Steve @gnomus not forgotten that bottle of gin for helping me mate.  It is here and will pop it in at some time.

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It can only be cables etc. I would have thought Steve.  I don't seem to have any of the problems you mention but, that aside, yes every time I see the automated meridian flip it still amazes me.  I also have the Alnitak flap flat, and to run the flats wizard as see it add all the flats at the end of your sequence and automatically take them is also mighty impressive.

I'm sure it can only get better.

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Ray, I am using high grade USB cables, £10 each.  The freezes of SGP persist though reinstalls of the software and even complete PC changes.  All I have on the capture PC is Ascom/Sitech, ATik and Moravian drivers, Lakeside SW, SGP and that's it. I have deliberately kept it very simple.

When it works SGP is brilliant. But it suffers freezes and "SGP has encountered a problem" so many times when setting off first thing on a imaging run.  Once it is working, leave well alone and it does its job fine. Whenever you cancel soemthing I run the risk of a freeze.

I am thinking of doing what @harry page has done and making a RJ11 cable up for the Mesu to eliminate the USB port.

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5 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

I am thinking of doing what @harry page has done and making a RJ11 cable up for the Mesu to eliminate the USB port.

I reckon that's a good call Steve.  I run with a Pegasus Hub Ultimate so I only have the single USB from the PC, so I suppose this helps with my kit.

As you say, when it works it is excellent, so fingers crossed the serial cable will help.

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Brilliant.. kirkster501 it takes a bit to post both sides of the story :icon_salut:

 Yup.. it does deserve credit.. when you think of all the variables the guys have to code for. ie.. if you've got control over the software/hardware base.. Apple, HP, IBM, Sun ( RIP..  :( ).. etc..  then you have a chance.. but (dare I say it) Microsoft had this problem too.. there are so many externals.. that you are on a hiding for nothing.. and in the case of astronomy softwares.. there's not really gonna be a fortune to be made in it? Lets face it.. we like to be a bit "bleedin edge" with diy automation... I found (& invested in) SGP pretty neat & still use it on my grab 'n go lappy.. (rarely these days I admit) .. although I have to say I gave up waiting for the promise of dual camera support.. with dithering.. (tall order) & went over to the brilliant (but yes.. much more investment) ACP for my needs some 3 years ago & have not looked back. BUT... there are many who use SGP to control remote obsy's and it is clearly working for them. I had quite a few peripheral issues getting ACP to run unattended & they are the same issues I would have had with SGP. We have to recognise that at the end of the day the support of the developers is to be commended after all they must have started out just like us.. and yes... I am in awe every time I login to my obsy web cam & just watch.. but of course.. at the end of the day.. it's just "a bunch of scripts"... still cool tho.. :glasses9:

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6 minutes ago, Gina said:

Dun;t yo meen "speeling" :D

I received an annual appraisal form back from one of my employees a number of years ago, and one of the questions on the form was "are there any areas where you feel you would benefit from additional assistance"?  The genuine (and not deliberate) answer was "I feel my weakest point is speeling and could do with help here".

Bless them :icon_biggrin:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have now changed fully from APT, Stellarium to Kstars / Ekos with Indi, and I have to say....wow, it’s superb,  one programme does the lot,  and does it extremely well..

In my opinion this is better that SGP, in fact it has more features, never crashes, does not need horrible Ascom, no more messing with COM ports, it just works....and the software is all free, just cost me £30 for the RPi3 to go on the mount, loaded Ubuntu Mate and the INDI Library on it, then run the windows version of Kstars / Ekos on my win 10 machine indoors, the rpi3 controls  all the hardware easily, talking with Kstars...very user friendly and it seems very easy, if that is the right word, to do everything, from the polar align tool, to the platesolving, to the imaging, it also has full observatory automation built in, if required. The layout is just so good, things are easy to find and very well thought out.

I can be up and running in under 10 mins easy, with full confidence that it will all work, and not worrying about USB dropouts, or failing COM ports, or just the software crashing....like I say it just works and can’t rate it highly enough...

Most hardware now had INDI drivers, but new ones are coming all the time, and there is a very active indi forum where the developer or other users answer questions within the day, or at least in my experience...

Best move I ever made withing this wonderful hobby...give it a try.. :):)

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