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Dead power tank?

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Hi. For reasons beyond my control, my rechargeable power tank was left unattended for several months, and now appears to be dead. I tried connecting the charger unit that came with it, but this produced no response.

I then borrowed a standard car battery charger, hooked it up to the power tank and tried again. This time, the radio and white light torch functioned, but not the red light. The top two LEDs on the side panel were flickering, and the white light seemed to flicker with the same frequency. Altering the battery charger setting to Trickle Charge slowed the flickering, changing it back to Normal charging speeded up the flickering.

The tank was left connected to the charger for about twelve hours. On removing the charger, all the tank's functions stopped, and no LEDs showed.

I've read about a deep cycle charger as a possible solution, but whether or not that might succeed - given what I've described - I don't know. Would a car repair shop (like Kwikfit) have such a thing? If not, where might I find one?

If the tank - or rather its cell - is beyond resurrection, how can I obtain a replacement? Would replacing it be a specialist task, or is it something I could do, assuming I can obtain a replacement cell?

Thanks in advance

Alan Stewart

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You could try a smart charger (try and borrow one) to bring it back from the dead, but its probably too far gone already and wont have the same capacity as it did before.

Youre probably better off getting a leisure battery, theyre cheaper and provide a lot more power. Though you would have to buy terminal connectors, leads and a way of distributing the power (4 way cigarette lighter socket).

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Mine has done the same, unfortunately the charger went faulty, I didn't realise, now the battery is dead. I'm looking to build myself a battery box when I get time. Bought one of these for the back garden so I can use my mount -  https://www.firstlightoptics.com/power-accessories/nevada-ps-08-6a-8a-regulated-linear-power-supply.html

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Both my Celestron 7ah power tanks were left alone for about a year now and are next to dead (the torch barely sines). I must charge them and see if i can bring them back to like. I doubt it. I'll be on the market for a new power tank from Halfords (Ireland). I really dont want anything too heavy.

I'll be looking at leisure batteries alone as i dont need a torch on it. I have a 2 million candle tower torch.

Would this power my Celestron 8se?.




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My power tank died too, which prompted the switch to a mains power supply. I'm tempted to see if I can convert the casing into a 'power box' powered by the 12v output from the PSU. Would be a shame to throw it away, especially as these things weren't cheap.

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